My ortho appt - knees and L-spine | Arthritis Information


Today was my follow-up appointment with my ortho.  After two lumbar epidural nerve blocks that didn't do anything, I had SI joint injections last Wednesday.  So far all I've gotten for my trouble is a bruised butt! (and that hurts a lot worse than you'd think) The pain mgmt doc said it could take 2 weeks to help, but in the meantime it's only gotten worse (which he said would only last a couple days).

My ortho has come to the point of saying there's nothing more they can do for my lumbar/SI problems.  I know that wasn't easy for him, so I appreciate him being honest and having explored so many different options.  Part of me is relieved--after all, I put so much "work" into trying to improve the RA and fibro, I don't need to exhaust myself (and my money) into trying to fix this too.  Part of me is depressed--it doesn't sound like it's going to get any better from here, and may well get worse.
So to "cheer him up", I said maybe he could help me with my knees.  You may remember that they've been getting worse, but I wasn't sure if it was the RA or the osteo-chondral injury in my left knee plus compensation in the right.  I'm pretty sure I decided it was RA based on it going back and forth between the knees so much, and I started to get some swelling in the knee that doesn't have the injury.  He checked out my knees and he agreed.
The only other suggestion he had for me, beyond all that my RD is already doing, is to switch up the NSAID.  I've been taking Relafen (nabumetone) for years now, although a few months back I tried a brief course of Indocin on his recommendation (but it was too much for my stomach).  I've been on pretty much all of them at some point, except for the COX-2 inhibitors.  Several of them worked alright, but didn't help long-term.  At this point I've got so much going on, I have no idea if the Relafen's even still working.
Anyone here on long-term NSAID's that found some benefit of rotating them?
InnerGlow2008-06-04 20:23:45Hi Suzanne, sorry about all your problems and aches/pains. I have been taking relafan for about 3 years and I really notice in the evening if I forget to take it or take it later than usual. I haven't tried any other NSAID because I get good results with the relafan.
I wish you well and hope you get this all straightened out and soon!
I am sorry, InnerGlow. It is depressing when something we need fixed does not seem to get fixed.
Much hugs and hope a change in meds helps you out.
I can only say that relafen is pretty good stuff even if it isn't hitting my FM enough;my OA knee likes it. Doesn't hurt to try a different one.