Finger tendonitis | Arthritis Information


Anybody get this, as well as the nodules on their finger tendons ??I have trigger finger but no nodules. It has improved with Enbrel but still catches, particularly in the mornings and the evenings.When my hands flare the tendons get all red and inflammed.  You can see them in the palm of my hand.  My fingers bend all up and I can't open or shut my hand and it is very very painful.  But when the flare passes, it all goes back to normal.Hi,

Flexor Tenosynovitis of the fingers, hands and wrists are my most prominent RA symptoms thus far.  Exquisitely painful at times.  I get relief from site specific injections of very small amounts of Kenalog.
Kenalog ?Hi 6T5, I have had steroid injections into the finger tendon, it really worked well, Kenalog is the name of one of the steroids I think, Regards Janie Thanks. I too have had them. Painful but they sure do workI get them too, but I try to do without the shots if possible, the nods' favorite place is the side of my thumbs. Because of my pa my hands can really hurt alot of times and is it me or sometimes I feel like the nods show up when I am really stressing.