foot pain | Arthritis Information


Hi all, how did your RA manifest ifself in your feet?  Mine have started to ache a lot and my arches hurt a lot, mainly on a night.  Is this due to my RA??  You should she an orthopedic doctor.  My ra is in my feet but it is mostly in the sides and top of my feet.  I went to an orthopedic foot doctor just to rule out any other foot problems.  If it is in the arch of your foot you could benefit from some orthopedic shoes.Initially it was pain in the top of the foot, near the toes, where the small joints are.  Then I also got it in my ankles, as someone else called it "that broken ankle feeling".  I usually have swelling on the outside of my ankles all the time, and the front of my ankles and tops of my feet some of the time.  When its really bad, I even get swelling on the bottom of my feet.  I have never had pain in the arches, but that's just me.Arch support is an essential for everybody but more so as you age or spend lots of time walking or standing. You don't need to have RA or OA to suffer, but they do make it worse. My toe "knuckles" were the only part of my feet ever affected by RA.  I've never had arch or heel pain, and the only time I've had ankle pain is when I've sprained them doing something stupid. Hello May,  Before medication my feet hurt so bad,  It felt like ther were needles in the bottom of my feet.  Also my toes ankles and this seems weird but the bone on the side of my legs even hurt.  I am on remicade so it is helping  at this point I can tell I am ready for a dose ,because they are starting to hurt, not as bad I have 2 more weeks until my next dose .   Hugs AnutFoot pain was one of my first "something is dreadfully wrong" symptoms.  I had it in my toe joints and the balls of my feet.  It was hideous.  I could barely get a shoe on because of the swelling in the mornings. 

Since my meds I have only had it happen once, only in one foot.
I yi yi! My feet and ankles were my biggest problem during my onset. I too described it as feeling like they were broken. (I've never even had a broken bone to know what that feels like) All I know is that it was sheer torture to walk to the bathroom in the morning. The first couple of steps were nothing more than a shuffle moving about a centimeter at a time. To lift them over the little lip of the shower stall used to make me cry.
I double the  I Yi Yi...  That was the worst pain I think it was worse than giving birth all three time's.  I guess I should say I had a c-sections, but stillso did I apeanut! And yes they were a breeze compared!I have had foot pain for years.  It started on the bottoms of my feet, especially first thing in the morning.  Then I got hammer toes.  Had two operations for that, but the pins came out and I still have hammer toes.  My RD told me that I have had arthritis in my feet for years and that is what caused the hammer toes.  Funny, my podiatrist didn't pick up on that!  I now have orthopedic shoes that help.  Maybe a trip to a shoe store that specializes in foot problems would help before your feet get worse.  I wish I had done that much earlier and maybe I might not be having all the problems now.