I know this is a dumb question | Arthritis Information


How long does a flare last and what exactly is a flare? I feel bad all the time, but this morning I woke up and couldn't put weight on my left foot at all. I was just diagnosed 6 days ago and am trying to educate myself, but this has never happened before this morning, and it scared me.

Do flares only happen after you've started medication and are getting some relief or could I be experiencing one long flare since I am not on any meds and it is getting progressively worse?

Thanks, sorry I am so ignorant, I am trying to learn as fast as I can about this disease.


Seems like my flare lasted for months and months until the right coctail started working. The docs first tried prednisone and methotrexate to see if that would be adaquet and then on to enbrel where the remission started and now to rituxin, and I feel so good I'm scared to mention it. Welcome to the rollercoaster ride. Ignorance isn't bliss at all times is it? Soon, you'll be a very informed member giving advice.


My first flare lasted for months too, and involved all my joints except my jaw.  I had no releif until I got on enbrel.  I still have flares, but they are not even close to being as severe and the original, and they usually last a week, give or take.And that's not a dumb question.   :)I never really refer to any of it as flares because they are so often and random it's hard to say....or even know for that matter. I'll go to the doctor on a scheduled visit and complain about this or that and the doctor will say you're flaring. Ok; whatever, it hurts.
They come and go pretty quickly for me. Rarely am I down for long....when I'm properly medicated I'm usually much better with in days.
Before I was dx'ed and on medication I spend close to a year with constant problems. I had some times that were better than other's but my pain was on my mind daily.
I wish I could talk to the Dr sooner I have appt with my GP who diagnosed me on the 11th and then will get the referral to the RA Dr. Who knows when that appt will be. I think I may look up some books on RA and see if the library has them. I feel so ignorant. jenn, we all start out ignorant, and it's not a dumb question.  Besides, there doesn't seem to be a really good definition of a flare.  I did a survey awhile back and here are the responses about flares:

     20. How often do you flare?

% of

Number of




Every couple of months



About once a month



Several times a month






Number of respondents


Number or respondents who skipped this question


     21. How long do your flares usually last?

% of

Number of

A day



2-3 days



4-6 days



A week



2-3 weeks



A month



Longer than a month



Number of respondents


Number or respondents who skipped this question


I think most people think of a flare as something that happens for a few days to a week, after their RA is mostly under control.  Mine has never been under control, but I do have worse times and "less worse" times.
For a good start, start here:
levlarry2008-06-05 10:05:09Great Info Inngerglow, thanks! I kind of wondered this myself.I would think that if your RA is not under control you might as well be in a flare. A flare is considered symptoms that increase from your normal symptoms. Like increased swelling, pain, fatigue, ect.
I have had months & months of one flare, but only because my RA is not under control. my RA is sort of under control now... thanks for Remicade.
But it does sound like a wee bit of a flare you have there. Probably will go away in a few days.

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