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I just dribbled chocolate on a favorite shirt.  What do you put on chocolate stains

I can't help you with how to treat the stain, as I would
love to know myself.

But...was the chocolate good???



Not sure if this is too late but, I usually douse in dishsoap right away, cold water, then lightly dab at the stain to lift it up....It usually works for me, I know it works on my carpet!

Also.....We sell a product here at work called Winning is completely bio-degradable, no toxins and it is magical stuff for stains....You can do a search on the internet to see who sells this product locally (I think we buy from the US when we do buy it) but I highly recommend it.

Good luck


More chocolate!

Peace & Love...Neasy

Thanks Neasy.  I am feeling way better.  How are you???? 

I have peroxide I will give it a try.  I just put some dish soap on it and went to bed

Peace & Love...Neasy


I am so sorry.  That is why I haven't seen you.  When I have flares from hell I am all over this board.  I am such a whiner