PBS: The Media, McClellan and War | Arthritis Information


From PBS website:

"There's nothing new in Scott McClellan's book about the propaganda campaign or the role of the press in selling the war, so why is it such big news? Journalists Jonathan Landay and John Walcott of McClatchy newspapers, and Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher analyze the reaction of the administration and the media to McClellan's book. Landay and Walcott were part of an award-winning team of journalists at Knight-Ridder (now McClatchy) that consistently challenged the administration's case for war. Mitchell is the author of So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits - and the President - Failed on Iraq. The program reviews how the press is handling other important stories today."
See tv schedule for broadcast tonight or see transcript or view online after broadcast at Bill Moyers Journal website:


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