Anti-Inflammatory Diet | Arthritis Information


Has anyone tried it?  I was interested in buying Ann Boroch's book.  She was on Montel Williams recently and wrote about MS (another auto-immune disease).  I believe she focuses on what we put into our bodies.  Like sugar and yeast.  I don't know what she feels about gluten though.  I was already tested for gluten, milk and soy allergies; and came up intolerant to all.

I was on a strict diet for six months, but when my joint pain didn't go away like I was told it would I gave up.  Meanwhile I was diagnosed w/ RA, which is also why I gave up on the diet.  Now I am rethinking this strategy, and even considering something more drastic like no sugar to help w/ inflammation.
Anyone find any relief from this?
Hi Nori, I cut out sugar, milk, artificial sweetners, prepackaged foods, white bread and rice, cut down on the amount of meat I consume, eat more seafood, and eat as much organic as I can find.  I started the diet about the time that I started Humira and I achieved clinical remission.  I think the diet has helped a lot.  I feel much worse when I slip and eat sugar or lots of white and meat.  I've only slipped a couple of times because of the way I feel for about 24 hours.  It's not an easy diet and is fairly expensive but I feel much better and I've lost some pounds.  It's worth a try.  LindyThank you LinB.
When you cut out sugar, do you not eat anything that lists it as an ingrediant?  Like ketchup, for example.  Was there a resource/book you used as a guide in cutting out these foods?
Along w/ the healthier diet, do you take supplements, like fish oil?
I'm a firm believer of everything in moderation...
Hi Nori, no, I'm not that strict.  I didn't entirely cut out sugar.  I eat it in things like ketchup.  I am very cautious about sugar substitutes in foods and try not to ever eat them. 
Yes, I take supplements:  Vit. D, Calcium, FA, Fish oil, Magnesium, B12.  My last labs, complete blood work, thryoid, liver functions were completely normal for the first time in years.  My sugar was hovering in high normal and is now low, choles have gone down, ratio is good, not anemic, and LF are mid range normal.  I've also been off Pred. for 5 months.  I think it's very true that we are what we eat.  It can't hurt you to try the inflammation diet and you might find that it helps.  Lindy
Thanks again for the feedback.  I found ketchup that is sweetened by fruit today.  I bought it to try.  I read that maple syrup is considered sugar.  Maybe that was obvious, but I was hopeful it wasn't b/c I just found gluten free pancakes that are so yummy.
I'm going to a lecture tomorrow night about vegan/gluten free.  I don't want to be vegan, b/c I think we need animal protein.  But I might switch to better choices in that department.
I'm not familiar w/ the FA supplement.  What is that?  And I didn't know what LF was.  I wonder if I should be tested....

FA is folic acid and LF is liver function.  Sorry about the abbreviations.  Folic acid is prescribed when you're on Methotrexate and liver functions are done routinely by your RD when you're on the dmards and biologics, like Methotrexate and Humira.  I don't know what meds you're on. 

Wanttobefree, moderation for one person may not be the right thing for another person.  If one is sensitive to certain substances such as sugar then a sugar free diet is right for that person.  I use moderation in most of the other foods but I'm adament about not buying sugar added foods and not adding sugar to any of the foods that I eat.  I just don't feel good after consuming sugar.  I'm not diabetic but I do believe in listening to my body.  Now chocolate is another matter....................................................


I find that I struggle w/ moderation.  Like if I cut out coke completely I'm okay, but if I drink just one drink I'm back to every day!  I was like that when I cut out gluten, which is an all or nothing diet.  I ate a bunch of gluten on 12/8/07 after 6 months of gluten free eating, and I've struggled w/ the diet ever since.
Thanks for the FA and LF info.  I do take FA and my LF is tested occasionally.
Nori, moderation is much more difficult to do than just stopping.  After a period of time moderation becomes a habit.  Take care.  Lindy