Shingles | Arthritis Information


HI guys, can anyone tell me whether I should be worried about  being around chicken pox, (my son has it) and shingles (my hubby has it), I remember reading somewhere once that it can be dangerous due to our lowered immunity?  Thanks guys, Janie.  PS.  I might go and see my GP tomorrow, have to anyway as my fractured metatarsal is fractured again or hasn't healed properly! I have had shingles in the past---actually twice. It is very painful. You do have a better chance due to the meds. I was told to avoid people with chicken pox but since I teach--that is not always an option. With the vaccine out is much less common. Like any other illness, it is more dangerous to us since the immune system is suppressed.When I was 32 my son got chicken pox and I caught them.  This was long before my RA diagnosis.  I have never ever been so sick in my whole entire life.  I was told it is easier to catch them when you are older and exposed and that the experience is much more intense.

I just had this conversation with my PCP (again) last week.  During my last visit he said I can't get the shingles vaccine because of the RA drugs.  I asked if I'm more susceptible to shingles while on the meds and he said yes.  So that worries me.  He also said chicken pox in an adult is much more severe, so please be very careful.  You have a double exposure and you don't want either one.  I'm not trying to scare you, I just want you to be very careful.  Try to keep your distance until your family is over their illness and certainly don't touch any rashes.  Good luck.  hi janie from what i was aware of if you have not had chicken pox
then all caution should be taken . dont know about coming into contact
whith shingles. i think i would put them into isolation and serve dinners
on a Long Pole or Catapult..  I think you are most likely to catch it before the chicken pox comes out so it is already to late.  Either you are going to get it or you got lucky. Hope you got lucky!I've been thinking about you post a lot today, and I really wish you'd call your RD about this.  They can give you a prescription to have on hand to help in case you come down with the shingles.  I believe it is the same drug as for cold sores, or a similar drug, but I could be wrong.  They can tell you exactly what you need to do to protect yourself.  I'm not sure, but if you've never had chicken pox, you may not be able to get shingles, even though you're immune system is being suppressed, but you sure don't want adult chicken pox either.  Please make both of us feel better and check in with your doctor. 

Janie, I agree with Jesse. Even if you see your GP, I still think you should call your RD.

If all else fails, why don't you jump on a plane and come over and visit me til they get well?

I've been meaning to ask my RD about the shingles vaccine, too. I know it's a live vaccine. I think it is the  biologics that make it dangerous for us to get the vaccine or shingles. I don't take anything for my RA at the moment. Just Restasis for the Sjogren's, to protect my eyes.
So I might be okay with the vaccine, but I'm not going to get it til I get the okay from my RD.
Please be careful, Sweetie. I sure don't want you to get sicker!
Much love, Nini
I had shingles in Nov. 2007, they were painful, but with pain pills,  they wasn't that bad. 
I also had shingles about 1986, with all the meds I'm on, I have a very weak immune system, but had no problens besides the pain and the itch. 
sure hope you don't get them we have enough to deal with.
From my understanding shingles comes from the virus already living, hiding in your body, from a previous bout with chicken pox.  I don't think exposure to chicken pox is supposed to cause shingles.  Shingles can occur at times of extreme stress, fatigue, or when the immune system is suppressed.  Radiation treatments can also sometimes trigger shingles.  But I don't think chicken pox is a trigger.  Having a compromised immune system puts you at a greater risk always and you should talk with your doctor about whether or not you can take the vaccine.  But a child with chicken pox shouldn't be a concern - unless you never had chicken pox before.Hi guys, thanks for the replies, emergency over, it is not chicken pox, or shingles, it is an allergy to something!!!!!!   Yeeehaaaaaa  Nini, I just might come over anyhow!!!!!! LOL  Cheers Janie.