Stiffness and air conditioners.. | Arthritis Information


It's been hot and humid here so my husband put on window air conditioner in our bedroom.  The window is pretty close to my side of the bed, anyhow, I was extremelly uncomfortable all night and when I got up I was stiffer than I have ever been in places that I am usually not stiff.  Is this common?I've heard some people say that air conditioning seems to help keep the inflammation at bay - hot, humid weather really sets them off.  I've never experienced stiffness after sleeping in an air-conditioned room.  In fact, I keep my room between 60F and 65F during the winter time, and I often have the window open a crack. I have noticed that the humidity makes it worse, I wonder why that happened then, weird.  It sure was nice not to be awake all night sweating though.I notice that humidity really does me in.  Maybe turn the air con a few degrees higher just so you aren't cold, but are still more comfortable that with all the heat and humidity. We don't have air con, just a ceiling fan so I don't have a problem at home with anything but the humidity.  I swell up like a pumpkin.

Mind you it doesn't mean that I like the cold dampness of winter either!  It's winter here now and I really don't like it....the electric blanket goes on every night. 
It may have been the draft from the air rather than the actual temperature.  I've had the same thing happen from a fan.  Years ago I knew of a young woman who developed a temporary palsy of her face on one side from sitting too close to an air conditioner for a couple of hours.  Her face was paralyzed for a couple of days.  That sounds like a much more severe form of stiffness, so I think they're related. But, if I remember correctly, it was the cold temperature that caused at least part of the problem.  I don't know if the draft had anything to do with it.  It's better to be safe than sorry, so try to find some way of getting further away from the air conditioner, or at least make it a bit warmer.  Your body is trying to tell you something.  Jesse882008-06-09 07:08:20

Would it help if you and hubby switched sides of the bed?

yep, I think I may rearrange the room today too so we are not so close to it.Reegie-
We used the unit in the bedroom for the first time last night also. Today my hands feel stiff and my wrists and shoulders ache. Not horribly but they do.
I don't take cold very well
