Is arthritis caused by a build-up of surplus DNA? | Arthritis Information


Mice that cannot degrade surplus DNA develop arthritis, according to a new study. If the same occurs in humans, the discovery may suggest new treatments for the inflammatory disorder, researchers say.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an often-crippling inflammation of the joints that afflicts two million people in the US alone. Now, Japanese scientists have discovered that mice which cannot degrade "garbage" DNA develop a condition very similar to human arthritis.

We dump a lot of DNA. Between the newly-made red blood cells that eject their nuclei before joining the circulation, and the many cells that die normally, we dispose of 1018 – a billion billion – genomes’ worth every day. This garbage DNA is normally engulfed by scavenging white blood cells, called macrophages, which then degrade it using an enzyme called DNase II.

Shigekazu Nagata and colleagues at Osaka University in Japan created mice that lacked the gene for DNase II, and others in which the gene could be permanently turned off.

Inflammation switch
Both kinds of mice developed a condition remarkably similar to human rheumatoid arthritis. Not only did their joints develop the same inflamed, eroded appearance, but the characteristic chemicals humans produce when they have arthritis also turned up, including inflammatory signal molecules such as interleukins and interferons.

Meanwhile, macrophages chock-full of undigested DNA accumulated in the mice’s bone marrow, livers and spleens. Macrophages can signal to other cells to turn on inflammation, which is an important step in the body’s fight against infection, but which when chronically activated in joints causes the symptoms of arthritis. These DNA-stuffed macrophages produced the signalling chemical, TNF-alpha, before damage began in the mice’s joints, the researchers found.

When the team gave the mice an antibody to TNF-alpha, this stopped the increases in inflammatory chemicals, and prevented the mice from getting arthritis. In mice that already had some arthritis, antibodies to TNF-alpha still decreased those chemicals, and lessened the symptoms of the disease.

Family link
The researchers conclude that macrophages gorged with DNA they cannot digest turn on TNF-alpha production, which leads to chronic inflammation in the joint, causing arthritis.

The same thing may occur in humans, the team suggests. Human patients respond to anti-TNF-alpha treatment, and activated macrophages are to be found in arthritic joints. “We have to examine whether human patients carry a defect in the system for degrading DNA,” Nagata told New Scientist.

One possibility is a genetic defect, since rheumatoid arthritis tends to run in families. In that case, says Nagata, bone marrow transplants to supply normal macrophages might help.

“We also have to examine how DNA activates macrophages,” he says. Arthritic patients mainly take anti-inflammatory agents like aspirin, which simply treat the symptoms. Some way of interrupting the process that turns on inflammation, however, might lead to a drug that stops the disease itself.

Journal reference: Nature (vol 443, p 998)