Good news on my LTD | Arthritis Information


Approved! I got the call this morning telling me that my LTD claim was approved by my private insurer (through my employer).  I was getting worried because the claim manager wasn't returning my calls and had said she was missing information, but apparently everything worked out.

Because I'm sero-negative, I'm limited to 24 months of benefits and then get re-evaluated.  That is totally ridiculous considering how many of us are sero-negative and very clearly have the disease.  However I believe the evidence of my degen disc disease will allow me to continue receiving benefits past that point, if I'm still not able to work by then.
Hopefully I'll be working again soon.  It's not that I "don't have to work" (I contributed about 65% of our household income, so this is gonna hurt us) but rather that I simply cannot work at this point.  I'd much rather be feeling better and earning my living.  But I'm relieved to know that in the meantime at least I have some benefits coming in, especially my med insurance (continued for 23 months at my regular contribution rate...0/mo for hubby and me...before it goes to COBRA).
Now I can turn my full attention to getting healthy.
Suzanne, This is great news.  Without the stress of not knowing and no income you can concentrate on getting healthy.  This will make it easier for you.  Lindy [QUOTE=InnerGlow] Thanks all. 
I think I wasn't very clear in what I was saying was ridiculous.  Being re-evaluated (at any point) is fine.  Good even, because I agree that some people get on a program (this or any other) and are never re-evaluated when in fact they only need it for a short time.
Limiting my benefits to 24 months because I'm sero-negative is what bothers me.  You can be sero-negative and have terrible RA and be disabled for more than 24 months.  I am "fortunate" that I have other documented conditions, but if I didn't and still wasn't able to work after 24 months, I'd be in a lot of trouble!
 Congratulations.  It's much easier to concentrate on your health when you aren't worrying about cash coming in and medical insurance.  Is it possible the insurance company limits you to 24 months and then insists you apply for SSDI?  I've heard of this happening before.
Great news! I know what you mean about it not being enough but thank goodness it's something so you can concentrate on getting healthy!  Good luck!

Actually, ann, they require you to apply for SSDI right away because if you receive it, that limits the benefits they have to pay.  What they do is withhold the expected amount of SSDI until you show proof you've applied.  Whether or not you get approved on SSDI doesn't affect whether they continue benefits because SSDI has a higher criteria to meet.

The point is that for other diseases they don't limit you, just things like fibro and sero-negative RA.   I understand that fibro can be harder to "prove", but with RA things like CRP, ESR and clinical exams should count even if the RF is negative.

This is great news!  Congratulations and thank you for sharing it with us.  I for one really enjoy reading about others' successes here and there.  Congratulations Inner Glow, good work.  Cathy