Sorta good news | Arthritis Information


Went the the tummy doctor today and from my lab work and sympthoms he thinks that I have nothing to worry about. Just keep pushing the fluids and fiber.

So I am one step closer to figure what is causing me to be in pain. The new meds make me feel a little better at time getting alot of sleep now! Havent woken up a trillion times in the night anymore.  I haven't noticed any difference with the new anti-inflammatory.
That is about all on the Medical level, still just trying to keep my cool and not loose it.  It is just very fustrating to have this going on for quite some time and in my eyes getting worse.  And no one has the answers.  It's also very irratating and scary to think about, am I going to be like this forever? That is the most scarry question and feeling of all.  I am 20, not that any one deserves it, but in my selfish moment, I am terrified.  I just finished my second year of college and the last semsester was a challenge in itself.  my right had was horrible and I am right handed and being tired doesn't help anything.  I want to be able to do active jobs in the future, I want to have kids and dog.  All of my attention and energy. Most days I feel like I won't even be able to make it through work and that is a sit down job. I try my damnedist to not let it get me down or make me crabby, try being the key word I have my moment.  I try not to notice people staring at me when walking in the grorcery store when those in mobalized carts and moving faster then me.  It is hard and bless every single one of your harts for struggling with much worse i am sure and are still pumping on.
Well I think I am done pouting for now and I apologize if this has seems "stupid" but I thought I'd share a little of my thoughts with you.   Thanks for reading
Hey, Niki, you go right ahead and pout.  You've been dealt a lousy hand for now and of course, you're totally ticked off.  You have a right to be.  You're still in the early stages of your journey and I believe you're going to be feeling better as time goes on.  Sometimes it takes a while for the meds to kick in and for the doctors to get just the right mix.  It's especially hard for a young one like you to deal with this when you just want to go ahead and live your life as you planned.  But I'm telling you, this doesn't have to mean things are going to change drastically for you in a bad way.  There are so many success stories out there and you can be one of them.  Hang in there and hang with us while you sort through this.  We'll help you along the way. Yes Niki you can be a success story- believe in your heart that you can!
I remember feeling like you do. I was very scared that I would never get better but I did and I'm doing very well. It just took time, patience and prayer.
Feelings are never "stupid". RA is a rollercoaster of emotions- hang on and we'll all be here for you during the ups and downs!
Thank you for understanding and for your encouraging words.  I look forward to getting more familiar with this forum.

Welcome Niki and don't worry about pouting.  That's what these boards are for.   Feel free whenever you need to as it sometimes feels safer to tell those that understand what you're feeling.    It is a scary time, but we're all here for you.  
