Again? | Arthritis Information


Well... Remicade is starting to wear off again.

My fingers are swelled, not bad, but they will be again soon. And my back is bothering me when I sit up too much. That is how I really know when the Remicade is starting to wear off... when my back starts bothering me again. My right knee is having hard time bending. And my right thigh/hip area is bothering me again. Time to take more than 1 muscle relaxer a day.
So... this last remicade round lasted a month, give or take a day or two.
I still have until middle of July before my next infusion. So... by then I should be good and swelled again.
I doubt my RD will bump me up from 300mg or let me take it sooner. She is scared to, because of me having the stroke. I do not blame her. Maybe by my next, next infusion she will feel that it is safe to make a change in the Remicade. Or at least find something else to help me.
joonie2008-06-09 16:36:12Wow another month to go....can they prescribe something for break through symptoms?I do not know. I do not think we talked about anything like that. She did mention if I was on an anti-inflammatory med. But then we moved on, as it is pred she is using as my anti-inflammatory med.
I wonder why 10mg of prednisone is not enough to take care of my swelling?
joonie2008-06-09 16:44:05:( sorry to hear it Joonie.  Hope the time flies by till your next infusion.Me, too!

It took 40 mgs to get my swelling down....but then it was gone for good

I would give her a call- it can't hurt

I agree you should most definitely call your doctor, It can't hurt anything. There has to be more options out there for you to be in the least amount of pain. I think it would be best to call and ask, you never know until you ask.  But I am incrediably sorry that you are hurting, Through reading everyone's post I am truely realizing that RA is a 'rollercoaster'.  But hopefully this "hill" will be a short one. I think I go back to her this month, I am not sure. I will have to find out when my next appt is. I was taking 20mg of pred before I got my last infusion. It was to help with my swelling and until I got that infusion, but it did not do much for my swelling after I dropped back down to 10mg.

I just have crazy swelling. You know the medrol paks? Well... I can do one of those and still swell! Yep.
Well... it is official! The Remicade has wore off.
Wednesday night my knees swelled and my ankles swelled. Now my fingers are swelled. I am having a hard time doing stuff with my hands again.
And then my back. OMG!!! My back! It hurts even more now. It is making my ribs hurt like I have a girdle on. Oh well...
I am better off now, then I was 3 years ago. I just wish the swelling would disappear, then I would be smooth sailing! LMAO!
