RA visit yesterday | Arthritis Information


most thorough doc ever.  he doesn't think i have RA.  he scheduled an emg for friday to check for nerve damage. 

Will an X-RAY show arthritis.  he sent mr for one. 

he also took eight (8) tubes of blood.  i was shocked.  he did not share any possible diagnosis' butt he was thorough so that is good. 

the X-RAY was of the hip and pelvis.  I hope the X-RAY can show something in my hip. 

the blood will probably take 5 business days they said.

thanks for the support y'all. 

Prays the lord Jesus


Jason, sounds like your doctor is doing a thorough search for the root of your problem.  I have been told that xrays don't prove RA unless there is a longstanding problem with damage to the joints.  This could take years. 

They certainly took enough vials of blood to run a lot of tests.  Each one probably ends up being used for a particular specialty.  They say it is good to be bled once in a while but it does seem amazing that they take so much and use so little in each test.

I hope they can find out what is troubling you and based on my own history hope it is not RA.  RA is probably not the meanest thing that can happen to a person but it has to rate up there with the rest of the non very nice things.  Good luck and keep everyone advised.  One thing you can get on this board is sympathy with pain and frustration.

thanks a bunch.Good luck Jason.  I hope it turns out to be something very treatable !Jayboy, read up on  anklyosing spondylitis.  It's a cousin of rheumatoid that affect the lower back and spine predominately with some affects on other joints.
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