"Bad Lyme Bug Spreading" | Arthritis Information


new article on WebMD:

Here is the part to remember. 92% are in just 10 states and it is very rare in the other 40 states.

"CDC medical epidemiologist Kevin Griffith, MD, MPH, says that while Lyme disease has been reported in nearly every state, 10 mostly Northeastern states account for 92% of cases.

Although the 20,000 cases reported to the CDC in 2006 were fewer than the 23,000 cases reported in 2005, Griffith says the true number of cases is probably larger.

"There is probably a true increase in the number of cases," Griffith tells WebMD.

The good news, he says, is that there's been a drop in the most severe, late-stage manifestations of Lyme disease. He attributes this to doctors identifying the disease -- and beginning treatment -- sooner now than in the earlier years of the epidemic."Yeah, I'm in one of the Northeastern states and my 84-yr-old father was bitten by a tick a week ago and has a bull eyes rash.  I'm really worried about him.  They have him on 2 weeks of doxycycline but they didn't even do a blood test on him.Doesn't matter how 'rare' it is - what matters is that you didn't get bitten by the 'wrong' tick.  And I'm pretty sure 2 weeks doxy is not enough.  Anyway you can get him to a different doc?

We're working on that...I have a question? Does every tick bite result in Lyme Disease? Are their statistics on this. I sure could not find any.Nope - not that they can 'prove' anyway.  What was so disturbing about this is that they now have another 'tick suspect' in the lineup which may be more of a 'disease carrier' than the other ones.
My take - it's ALL infection of some kind but these guys get the 'bonus' of possibly finding a doc that will help them because they can 'prove' they have something with the right tests. 
I still don't understand it...if you had a tick bite, what's the big problem with getting a specialized test?  Maybe some people 'need' to be sick or they've been so sick for so long that's how they identify themselves.  Not dissing people - it really makes absolutely no sense to me.
They don't bother waiting for a positive test, they treat first. If caught really early, 2 weeks of antibiotics is the standard, successful treatment. Of course, if you have used Doxi long term for some other illness it might not work and eventually, that antibiotic will become useless for lyme because of overuse.

Only deer ticks that are attached to your body for 36 hours can transmit lyme disease. The disease is mostly in certain states in the North East. The deer tick is very tiny, you brush against a bush that a deer has brushed against and it latches on to you. It grips legs, abdomens, ankles etc. It does not drop down from trees as there is no way for it to get there. Wear socks that cover your pants and spray deet on all exposed skin. If you take a thorough shower daily and esp after hikes and look closely all is ok. Remove carefully if found. The tick must be inserted for over a whole day, so take that shower.Here is all the information you might need.

Anna - try again.  It definately takes less than 36 hours.  Why are you so against the possiblity or others being cured of their pain.

Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Press Release

Attorney General's Investigation Reveals Flawed Lyme Disease Guideline Process, IDSA Agrees To Reassess Guidelines, Install Independent Arbiter

May 1, 2008

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today announced that his antitrust investigation has uncovered serious flaws in the Infectious Diseases Society of America's (IDSA) process for writing its 2006 Lyme disease guidelines and the IDSA has agreed to reassess them with the assistance of an outside arbiter.

The IDSA guidelines have sweeping and significant impacts on Lyme disease medical care. They are commonly applied by insurance companies in restricting coverage for long-term antibiotic treatment or other medical care and also strongly influence physician treatment decisions.

Insurance companies have denied coverage for long-term antibiotic treatment relying on these guidelines as justification. The guidelines are also widely cited for conclusions that chronic Lyme disease is nonexistent.

"This agreement vindicates my investigation -- finding undisclosed financial interests and forcing a reassessment of IDSA guidelines," Blumenthal said. "My office uncovered undisclosed financial interests held by several of the most powerful IDSA panelists. The IDSA's guideline panel improperly ignored or minimized consideration of alternative medical opinion and evidence regarding chronic Lyme disease, potentially raising serious questions about whether the recommendations reflected all relevant science.

"The IDSA's Lyme guideline process lacked important procedural safeguards requiring complete reevaluation of the 2006 Lyme disease guidelines -- in effect a comprehensive reassessment through a new panel. The new panel will accept and analyze all evidence, including divergent opinion. An independent neutral ombudsman -- expert in medical ethics and conflicts of interest, selected by both the IDSA and my office -- will assess the new panel for conflicts of interests and ensure its integrity."

Blumenthal's findings include the following:

  • The IDSA failed to conduct a conflicts of interest review for any of the panelists prior to their appointment to the 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel;

  • Subsequent disclosures demonstrate that several of the 2006 Lyme disease panelists had conflicts of interest;

  • The IDSA failed to follow its own procedures for appointing the 2006 panel chairman and members, enabling the chairman, who held a bias regarding the existence of chronic Lyme, to handpick a likeminded panel without scrutiny by or formal approval of the IDSA's oversight committee;

  • The IDSA's 2000 and 2006 Lyme disease panels refused to accept or meaningfully consider information regarding the existence of chronic Lyme disease, once removing a panelist from the 2000 panel who dissented from the group's position on chronic Lyme disease to achieve "consensus";

  • The IDSA blocked appointment of scientists and physicians with divergent views on chronic Lyme who sought to serve on the 2006 guidelines panel by informing them that the panel was fully staffed, even though it was later expanded;

  • The IDSA portrayed another medical association's Lyme disease guidelines as corroborating its own when it knew that the two panels shared several authors, including the chairmen of both groups, and were working on guidelines at the same time. In allowing its panelists to serve on both groups at the same time, IDSA violated its own conflicts of interest policy.

IDSA has reached an agreement with Blumenthal's office calling for creation of a review panel to thoroughly scrutinize the 2006 Lyme disease guidelines and update or revise them if necessary. The panel -- comprised of individuals without conflicts of interest -- will comprehensively review medical and scientific evidence and hold a scientific hearing to provide a forum for additional evidence. It will then determine whether each recommendation in the 2006 Lyme disease guidelines is justified by the evidence or needs revision or updating.

Blumenthal added, "The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion. In today's healthcare system, clinical practice guidelines have tremendous influence on the marketing of medical services and products, insurance reimbursements and treatment decisions. As a result, medical societies that publish such guidelines have a legal and moral duty to use exacting safeguards and scientific standards.

"Our investigation was always about the IDSA's guidelines process -- not the science. IDSA should be recognized for its cooperation and agreement to address the serious concerns raised by my office. Our agreement with IDSA ensures that a new, conflicts-free panel will collect and review all pertinent information, reassess each recommendation and make necessary changes.

"This Action Plan -- incorporating a conflicts screen by an independent neutral expert and a public hearing to receive additional evidence -- can serve as a model for all medical organizations and societies that publish medical guidelines. This review should strengthen the public's confidence in such critical standards."


Under its agreement with the Attorney General's Office, the IDSA will create a review panel of eight to 12 members, none of whom served on the 2006 IDSA guideline panel. The IDSA must conduct an open application process and consider all applicants.

The agreement calls for the ombudsman selected by Blumenthal's office and the IDSA to ensure that the review panel and its chairperson are free of conflicts of interest.

Blumenthal and IDSA agreed to appoint Dr. Howard A. Brody as the ombudsman. Dr. Brody is a recognized expert and author on medical ethics and conflicts of interest and the director of the Institute for Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Brody authored the book, "Hooked: Ethics, the Medical Profession and the Pharmaceutical Industry."

To assure that the review panel obtains divergent information, the panel will conduct an open scientific hearing at which it will hear scientific and medical presentations from interested parties. The agreement requires the hearing to be broadcast live to the public on the Internet via the IDSA's website. The Attorney General's Office, Dr. Brody and the review panel will together finalize the list of presenters at the hearing.

Once it has collected information from its review and open hearing, the panel will assess the information and determine whether the data and evidence supports each of the recommendations in the 2006 Lyme disease guidelines.

The panel will then vote on each recommendation in the IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guidelines on whether it is supported by the scientific evidence. At least 75 percent of panel members must vote to sustain each recommendation or it will be revised.

Once the panel has acted on each recommendation, it will have three options: make no changes, modify the guidelines in part or replace them entirely.

The panel's final report will be published on the IDSA's website.


IDSA convened panels in 2000 and 2006 to research and publish guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. Blumenthal's office found that the IDSA disregarded a 2000 panel member who argued that chronic and persistent Lyme disease exists. The 2000 panel pressured the panelist to conform to the group consensus and removed him as an author when he refused.

IDSA sought to portray a second set of Lyme disease guidelines issued by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) as independently corroborating its findings. In fact, IDSA knew that the two panels shared key members, including the respective panel chairmen and were working on both sets of guidelines a the same time -- a violation of IDSA's conflicts of interest policy.

The resulting IDSA and AAN guidelines not only reached the same conclusions regarding the non-existence of chronic Lyme disease, their reasoning at times used strikingly similar language. Both entities, for example, dubbed symptoms persisting after treatment "Post-Lyme Syndrome" and defined it the same way.

When IDSA learned of the improper links between its panel and the AAN's panel, instead of enforcing its conflict of interest policy, it aggressively sought the AAN's endorsement to "strengthen" its guidelines' impact. The AAN panel -- particularly members who also served on the IDSA panel -- worked equally hard to win AAN's backing of IDSA's conclusions.

The two entities sought to portray each other's guidelines as separate and independent when the facts call into question that contention.

The IDSA subsequently cited AAN's supposed independent corroboration of its findings as part of its attempts to defeat federal legislation to create a Lyme disease advisory committee and state legislation supporting antibiotic therapy for chronic Lyme disease.

In a step that the British Medical Journal deemed "unusual," the IDSA included in its Lyme guidelines a statement calling them "voluntary" with "the ultimate determination of their application to be made by the physician in light of each patient's individual circumstances." In fact, United Healthcare, Health Net, Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and other insurers have used the guidelines as justification to deny reimbursement for long-term antibiotic treatment.

Blumenthal thanked members his office who worked on the investigation -- Assistant Attorney General Thomas Ryan, former Assistant Attorney General Steven Rutstein and Paralegal Lorraine Measer under the direction of Assistant Attorney General Michael Cole, Chief of the Attorney General's Antitrust Department.

View the entire IDSA agreement - (PDF-2,532KB)

Lyme disease tests are kind of sh*t.  9 times out of 10 they come back negative when they are not.  a huge majority of people don't even get a bite mark so they have no idea what is making them so ill.  I don't know why SOME people think that lyme and a diagnosis is so cut and dry.  Yeah, if you find a tick and then get a bullseye rash than you can just go get treatment, but unfortunately that is not always what happens, maybe people should realize that before they start ripping into people for not doing anything for it!

Dude -
I'm on the side of healing.  Period.  If you have the possiblity of being cured, and you let it go, sorry, no way am I ever going to understand that. 
When I couldn't even pick up my daughter without screaming in pain, when she developed nightmares because I was too sick to protect her from 'monsters', and when it took me hours to make it down the stairs just so I could sit in a freakin' chair for a few hours - there was nothing I wouldn't have done if that meant I could live my life 'normally' again.  And if that meant begging on street corners, so be it. 
To my way of thinking - genes are not 'all that'.  RA studies on identacal twins only increases the risk from 8% to 15%,  We see seronegative people here all the time.  And people that were CCP negative.  And people who do AND DO NOT have the HBLA27 (spelling) or the PT22-whatever genes.  Genes aren't the be all or end all. 
0 bucks for the MDLabs or Igenex test and the possibility of a cure - or life as I knew it.
For us, we had to leave town and fly 2500 miles to see a doc that would help me the way I wanted to be helped.  That took a huge leap of faith and thousands of dollars.  But we did it.  Why?  Because I had 40+ years to live like this and I wanted to be able to play (really play, get on the floor and really play) with my daughter.  I wanted to be a wife to my husband.  And I wanted 'me' back. 
I got it. 
Will you?

First off I did get all of the tests, which I got a false positive.  I was treated for lyme by one doctor, got a second opionion and two doctors said that I never had it and got a false positive result.  Then was given all the test for ra which I had a positive rf and joint pain on both sides in feet ankles, which is not consistant with lyme's disease.  I don't think that I have ra because my father does if that is what you are implying.  I choose to not let this wreck my life, I am a wife and mother.  Have you had lyme's disease?  You've never really said, just curious why you believe you are such an expert on it.  I don't even think that some doctor's know as much as you claim to.

Which tests Reegie?  The Western Blot and the Elisa that the CDC says its 'faulty'?  I demanded the IgeneX test at the great U and they refused and it was one of the reasons why I had to fly out of state. 

No, I didn't have Lyme.  But the possiblity was what intrigued me.  And why I paid 0 out of pocket to get it.  Was I out 0 bucks.  Yep.  Do I regret it?  Hell no. 

I am saying that infection has more to do with RA than 'autoimmunity'. 
And I am working on becoming an 'expert' on healing. 
What parts of this have you studied?  Have you double checked one thing a doc has told you?  We see here everyday some doc giving the wrong advice and the wrong care to RA people. 
I'd love to stay and argue with you - not - but you still have faith in the medical establishment.  I'm running today as I'm in back to back meetings. 
Thanks for playing,
I am so sorry, I didn't know I was dealing with an expert here.  You can have all the opinions you want and try and shove them down everyone's throat, I've read you doing it more than once.  I never claimed to be an expert, I am learning as I go.  I guess that I don't not visit this site again since according to Dr. Pip, RD LLMD, I don't have rheumatoid arthritis.  Nice work on my someone feel so welcome.  You would think that someone that's had this for a long time you'd want to help not criticize.  Don't bother responding to me as I will not be visiting this site anymore.

Bullsh*t - you'll be back.


Reegie is right. Pip, you keep offering Lymes advise and you know nothing about it. You have not read the educational links I posted each time you offer lyme advise. It always which contradicts you promote and they are expects on it. You are not for healing, you are for pretending (without the education) that you are a doctor.

Read the links. No need for the test if you have the bullseye. Just get on antibiotics. The tests are pretty meaningless. Actually Anna -
I know nothing about Reegie and I am saying what the other Lymies have said on this board.  This is nothing to ignore. 
The question is - if you got the test - and it came back positive, would you change your regimine?  IF the answer is yes, then get the test.  If no, skip it.
But, again, if it were me, I'd have moved heaven and earth for the chance on not having this disease.
Apparently some people are content to live out the rest of their lives in pain. 
I'm not 'some people'.

sorry I was just reading up a little, did not mean to post.. sorry!

reegie2008-06-17 19:53:39You should post. 
We need to learn from each other.  I can't tell you how many posts I've seen here where somebody went to the hospital because we on AI warned them and their doc was a bit...lax.
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