Its Happening Again... | Arthritis Information


Third month in a row.  1 day after my "cycle" is through, my hips flare and give me a limp.  Pain is on the inside.  At first I equated it to having gone swimming, which probably just aggrivated it.  My wrist is flaring as always.  It is worse around this time, but never really gets better.  There is definitely a connection. 

In the past week, my elbow on my right arm is starting to get involved.  I am seriously considering practicing writing with my left hand, in case I ever have to stop taking Mobic!
I'm up to 20 mg of MTX now.  Hopefully it will kick in soon...
  1 day after my "cycle" is through, my hips flare and give me a limp.  Pain is on the inside. 

qouty thingy katie

my advice...   stop  cycling So Far.....   Katie, I have noticed an increase of my symptoms around my cycle as well.  There is definitely a hormonal connection in my opinion.Yep, there is a connection. I get more swelled and fatigue around that time.
I looked back and this and realized there is an error.  I don't get a limp.  I get a waddle.
Boney, maybe I just need to put my bike away.  Seriously, my dad is convinced that if I get pregnant again, this will all go away.  I wish!
Lot of cyclists here.. i never knew if you get pregnant your cycle
goes away.. Joonie i heard your handlebars fell off your cycle and you
had a rough landing  