Tom Brokaw criticism of media treatment of Hillary | Arthritis Information


According to the AP, former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw criticized the way the media covered the question of whether Hillary Clinton was going to drop out of the race.  He said "It was an appropriate issue for people to report on , in context, but THERE WAS AN AWFUL LOT OF COMMENTARY DISGUISED AS REPORTING that gave the impression that people were trying to shove her out of the race.

In his opinion, the coverage should provoke some soul-searching by the media.
I agree.
Dan Abrams made similar comments last night.   On NBC Nightly News?
Too much commentary on everything, and not enough in-depth investigative reporting or critical analysis of issues.  For example, how much do the RAers on this forum, frequent users of our health care system, know about McCain's health care proposal?
I think it was Peter Jennings that made the comment that the jounalists job was to report the news and interpret it for us.  Thaty's scary.  I'd rather have the facts and do my own interpreting thank you very much. [QUOTE=Linncn]I think it was Peter Jennings that made the comment that the jounalists job was to report the news and interpret it for us.  Thaty's scary.  I'd rather have the facts and do my own interpreting thank you very much.[/QUOTE]

Yea... it's damn hard to find "uninterpreted" news these days.  Maybe it's always been like that... but I didn't much watch the news when I was younger, except to see what the weather was going to be like. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]On NBC Nightly News? I'm watching more HGTV these days as I'm tired of turning on the news to hear the same old spin, day after day after day. They are all sitting their analyzing what he said and she said and they said and it really is not solving any of our issues. Its just spin...thats all. I want some action. [QUOTE=lorster]I'm watching more HGTV these days as I'm tired of turning on the news to hear the same old spin, day after day after day. They are all sitting their analyzing what he said and she said and they said and it really is not solving any of our issues. Its just spin...thats all. I want some action. [/QUOTE]

Other than the 6:00 local news (which I watch mainly for the weather and local happenings) and an occasional "Deadliest Catch" or "Dirty Jobs" on Discovery, I've not been watching TV these last few months.  I'm just fed up with it.  I can't stand Hollywood and their antics, I can't stand the "news" stations and their spin (on BOTH sides).   It's been quite refreshing!
