Wyeth To Announce Promising New Data For Enbrel | Arthritis Information


Wyeth Pharmaceuticals revealed highlights from data to be presented on its biologic therapy Enbrel® (etanercept), at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Annual Meeting in Paris, 11-14 June 2008.

Highlights of the data to be presented include:

- New 1-year radiographic remission results from the COMET trial (COmbination of Methotrexate and ETanercept in early active rheumatoid arthritis), along with clinical and functional remission results. COMET marks the first trial with Enbrel to use remission as a primary endpoint. (Abstract #OP-0008 - Thursday 12 June 2008: 10.15-11.45).

- Work productivity results from the COMET trial, examining the association between early treatment with Enbrel and methotrexate and the number of work days lost by patients with early active rheumatoid arthritis. (Abstract #OP-0096 - Thursday 12 June 2008: 10.15-11.45).

- Results from the DART trial (Anti-TNF Drug utilization and dosing patterns Assessment: a Retrospective observational study of subjects Treated for rheumatoid arthritis), investigating the difference in cost when dose escalation of soluble TNF receptor and monoclonal antibody TNF drugs occurs in routine clinical practice, demonstrating the predictability of dosing and cost with Enbrel, a fully human soluble TNF receptor. (Abstract #FRI0139 - Friday 13 June 2008).

- In ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic, painful and degenerative inflammatory arthritis of the spine, data will be presented from a study on the long term (5-year) efficacy and safety of Enbrel (Abstract #SAT0243 - Saturday 14 June 2008).

About Enbrel

ENBREL is a fully human soluble tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor antagonist. ENBREL was first approved in 1998 for moderate to rheumatoid arthritis and has since been used in nearly 500,000 patients worldwide across indications.

ENBREL in the EU is approved for the following indications (eMC last accessed 25/05/08):

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