soo lonely | Arthritis Information


Havent been here in a long long time. i need to vent. My body hates sticky hot humid weather. My joints feel awfull. Last few rheumy appts have been unproductive, blood work is normal like always some inflamation sometimes at my visits but i dont think she really believes me. I have tramadol now but i dont like to take it. i dont want a cover up pill, i want meds that work her giving me tramadol feels like she gave up on me. i dont mind pain meds, i just dont like that thats all everyone talks about now when i say i dont feel well and am hurting.......o well just take a pain pill and all will be better. NOT true! i know i can be cured but it feels like everyone is giving up on me every feeling better its very frustrating. If i dont complain then ooo i must be better but if i do complain its o yea wanna go swimming. no one gets it, no one ever got it i know but i guessi feel more alone with it being summer and all and away from my friends. So sorry you feel lonely, Mermaid. You still got us here on AI and we can relate. That humidity is bad on me too. Can't stand it either. My friends have given up on me and don't call to invite me out anymore cuz' I usually say no cuz' I don't feel well.

Yep, it sucks but hold your head up, girl, it's bound to get better.
take care
Hugs, Mermaid!

Mermaid, I take tramadol for pain, it really does help. You are on other meds that should give you some relief but if they arent working then maybe you need to see a different more sympathetic rheumy who will look at changing them and give you better advice. It can be lonely having RA when no one understands what you are going through, Do you have no RA support groups near you?  Vent away all you like on here, we all do understand how you are feeling.


i'm sorry you're suffering... and feel that your RD doesn't understand.   We do.  We're all there or have been.
Maybe your meds are helping with the inflammation... that's why you don't have "much"
I felt when my inflammation was reduced, I had a period of MORE joint discomfort...but that has changed and alot of my pain has been reduced too. 
Hang in there....
I totally understand your frustrations ... just don't give up, eventually a test will pop up and a marker will be there for a doctor to finally believe there is something wrong, other than your verbal complaints of symptoms.   Good luck Cathyi hope so, ive had JRA for 12 years and for the last 10 or so years but blood work has been perfectSorry you're having a tough time right now.   Have you been on your meds long?  Just wondering if they still need time to start working, so your RD is just holding off for now.  If you aren't feeling good about your RD, maybe it's time to look for someone else - or at the very least, make sure your current one knows how frustrated you are.   The transition to summer and being away from friends doesn't help, I'm sure.    Maybe you can plan a trip to visit some of your friends - do any of them live within driving distance?   Or, if it's difficult for you to get to them, invite them to come visit. 
Hope today is a better day!
yea ive been on all my meds for quite a while, over a year...I will visit with some friends hopefully, i miss them!!!What you posted felt like it came out my own mouth.  Hang in there and just remember we are all here for you and understand.Thanks you guys!(((HUGS))) mermaid. i'm so sorry that anyone has to have this disease but to be so young, it seems so unfair. this disease will try your patience. That is one of the hardest parts as it take months and years to get the right combination of drugs. Hang in there. there are better days to come for you once the right meds are working. littlemermaid I've missed you! Sorry you are not feeling well. Where are your friends did you leave them behind at college?Hi, Sweetie, I just wrote you a long note, and it disappeared! How frustrating!
But I want you to know I'm thinking of you and have missed seeing you here. Try to see a different Rheumy. You have to be comfortable with a doc you have to see on a regular basis.
Take care, and feel better!
Gentle hugs, Nini
yea friends are from all over, and im not at school now. wish i could get a new rheumy but i sort of feel like she is my best option now, i dunno i guess ill stick with her for a little, ive always liked her but im just frustrated, she has run out of options for meds she wants me to try im waiting for a new biologic to come outHang in there and come visit us and vent every day! We are here for you!I have always been so impressed with how brave you are handling your illness and school.  You display a lot of inner strength.  Hang in there girl. 
Thanks, that means a lot to me, sometimes its so hard, but when i feel ok its easy to be optimistic....its time like now when its not, but i took the tramadol during the day and it did work a little, i just dont want to rely on it....cant wait for meds that work!