Woke up to Snow! | Arthritis Information


Middle of June and snowing. My aspens are slumped over touching the ground.   I'm moving. What a weird year for weather for everyone it seems. I feel for those in the midwest right now that are enduring the tornados and flooding. I hope everyones is staying safe and out of the elements. SNow sin't as bad as tornados, obviously.  But I think I would cry and pack my bags if I woke up to snow.  Hope it melts and gets warm soon Lori.  What a huge bummer.That is just crazy!!

                                                We were sitting at the ballfield last night when the tornado sirens went off!  Pretty scary.  On our way home we heard on the radio that a tornado was on the ground about 15 miles north of where we were.  It ended  being the one that hit the boy scout camp ground last night.  What a tragedy.
We were never so glad to get home and into the basement for the night.
Now we are waiting to see if our roads will be closed once again due to flooding. Were going to need boats to get around here in Iowa pretty soon!!!
Hayley. My daughter and son in law live in Des Moines and they have had a couple of scares. How sad for the boy scouts. Every parents worst nightmare. June is the second worse month for tornados, followed by May so maybe you will start to see a reduction in them soon. brrrrrrr!
THe weather is so crazy these days...........you never know what you will wake up to that  is for certain!
Lorster we live in Shenandoah (about 50 miles south of Council Bluffs/ Omaha area) and have had tornados touching down all around us, thank God that none have really caused any injuries until the one last night.  I keep watching the Des Moines stations to see if the rivers there are going to break the levees.....sounds pretty scary there too!
Hopefully your daughter and her family are safe and dry!
Lorster, where are you that you have snow?  Hayley, I grew up in Omaha and a tornado wiped out a good portion of the city in '75 when I was in 4th grade.  It was so scary.  Even though our family didn't have any damage, I am I am still scared to death of them.  My mom watched one of the schools in our district go up into the tornado from our kitchen window. 
I watched the news with sadness last night and this morning.  I can't imagine how frightened those children had to be and of course the parents who arrived on the scene not knowing if their kids were okay. 
Snow! I haven't seen snow in years...part of the problem living in  the south I guess. It is pouring rain here.  Graciesmom. I live in Southwest Montana, about 60 miles north of Yellowstone Park. This area always makes record lows in the winter. They say there are four seasons here. June, July, August and Winter. I can't even think of snow! I  am so glad the warm weather got here! I wouldn't care if I never see snow again.
I bet it's beautiful in Montana though- so much wide open spaces-that is very appealing to me.

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