Knee aspiration? | Arthritis Information


My RD wants to do a knee aspiration and check the synovial fluid. He is trying to treat this as aggressively as possible. I was a bit scared to have it done today; mainly because he asked me if I "wanted to be tortured" !! I asked how bad it hurt and he said it depends.

So, has anyone had it done? How bad is it? He wants to start me on either the sulfa....stuff or MTX along with the Plaquenil if the fluid shows there is no question that it is RA for positive.

I already know that you are not doctors. I am not looking for MEDICAL advice, just a bit of help please. Sorry can't help you Kathy, never had one done but I bet they can numb it and make you comfortable before it's done. It may also help you when all the fluid is gone.

I'm sure it will all be okay.
take care
Hi GK,
I had my knee aspirated.  It was a long time ago though, perhaps 20 to 25 years ago, I've had RA for 31 years now and its hard to remember everything -- I regret now, not keeping a medical diary.
The reason I had my knee aspirated was because of the amount of swelling and fluid.  This was back in the day when I was taking naprosyn, trilisate and gold shots.  I had tested positive for rheumatod factor years earlier, shortly after I started having symptons.
So, my memory is fuzzy but it wasn't a comfortable experience, I endured it, but I would not want to have it done again.  I have had cortisone shots in my knees which weren't bad, but of course a knee aspiration is a different thing.  In later years when my knees were real inflammed and swollen, I had cortisone injections.
I don't know anything about examining the synovial fluid to determine if you are RA positive.  Perhaps others on the forum can address this.
It isn't a small needle.  Who would be doing it?  How experienced are they?  If they are fast, that helps.
Sorry, I'm not much help, it was quite a few years ago.  Good luck with whatever you decide and I hope the med treatment plan gets the RA under control.  Take care. 
My RD I assume will be doing it. He has excellent credentials. He is a very caring doctor, but that doesn't mean he's good! LOL
If my bloods are still up, then I guess I need to bite the bullet and just do it, but I am hoping someone can shed a bit of light.
I'm severely claustrophobic, so the MRI is not an option.  GrammaKathy2008-06-12 20:31:25You might ask your doc how often or how many times he's  done a knee aspiration.  With my cortisone shots, my doc would always give me a shot of lidocaine(?) first to numb it up.  Perhaps nowadays they do something along that line.  Or, you can do it like in the cowboy days,  gulp a couple of shots of whiskey first.    You can do it, you'll get through it, we surprise ourselves sometimes.  Think of a nice treat for yourself after its all done, maybe it seems sorta childish, but it helps me to get through unpleasant moments.  YOU CAN DO IT -- we gals are tougher than we realize. 
Joie said: YOU CAN DO IT -- we gals are tougher than we realize.  GrammaKathy2008-06-12 20:57:25Good answer! You can do it. Don't stress and tell that dr to numb it good. Maybe take a pain pill if you have any????
wish I could get my RD to consent to a synovial aspiration but he keeps telling me that he doesn't feel enough fluid in my knee to get a good result from this test. My reason for wanting this test is to get a more definitive Dx.
A knee aspiration is uncomfortable. My RD's tried twice  to draw off some fluid before giving me a cortisone injection, but the most she's been able to remove is 2cc.
I have had it done 2 times.  They numb the area first, so it's not too bad.  Just don't looks way worse than it really is.  The part that usually hurts me the most is when they put a cortizone shot in right after.  To be truthful, I had sooooo much swellling and fluid in my knee it actually felt good to get it removed.  Kind of a "hurts-so-good" thing.
You can do it!  I'm sure.
I'd go ahead. If it will give you some definate answers it will be worth it. BUT; if your blood test positive....whats the point? Unless there is a lot of fluid built up. My doctor has suggested it twice but both times a cortisone injection took care of the problem so thee was no need.
I too am claustrophobic but they give me valium before an MRI. I've had an open MRI on my knee before and it was much easier for those that are claustrophobic. You might ask about one of those.
Let us know how you make out! My husband has had many knee aspirations and he welcomes them because he feels so much better after. He does say it hurts but that it is worth it.
I think they'd have to knock me out to do it or I would faint on my own.
I went to a rheumatologist yesterday, for the first time.  He tried to remove fluid from my knee to test for inflammation and couldn't get any.  There wasn't much there.  He numbed it but it still hurt.  I've felt worse pain.  I was really hoping  he would get some fluid so I didn't mind the pain.I'll see how my labs turn out and go from there. I would rather have pain and know what I have, than to sit back and not treat it properly and its gets out of control.
My tests are not showing a definate answer yet. My Sed rate and CRP are always elevated, but the RF is negative.
Thanks everyone. At least I am warned.  :)
