Low vitamin D common with rheumatic diseases | Arthritis Information


Nearly three quarters of patients seen at a rheumatology clinic, which focuses on diseases affecting the joints, muscles, bones, and tendons, have a vitamin D deficiency, researchers based in Ireland found.

Dr. Muhammad Haroon and associates at South Infirmary-Victoria University Hospital, Cork, assessed the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency in all new patients seen at their rheumatology clinic between January and June 2007. The research team's findings were reported at the European Union League Against Rheumatism 2008 meeting here in Paris.

Of 264 patients seen during this time period, 231 agreed to have their levels of vitamin D measured and other related tests performed.

Overall, 162 patients (70 percent) had low vitamin D levels and 26 percent had a severe deficiency. Little difference was seen in the percentage of younger and older patients who were deficient.

Severe vitamin D deficiency affected a significant percentage of patients with a variety of conditions, including inflammatory joint diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, backache, and osteoporosis.

According to Haroon, chronic severe vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis and the bone-softening disease osteomalacia, while a mild-to-moderate deficiency may contribute to non-specific rheumatic complaints, he said.

"we know" this...  but is it the chicken or the egg?

does RA cause deficiency?  or is deficiency a causing factor?
The very first article I read about this was from WebMD and it was from 2004. It said that that vitamin D helps protect older women against RA. I looked at the research, read a lot, asked questions and I believe that statement is, in fact, very true.

Based on my own experience with a vitamin D deficiency, I can tell you that I feel much better now that my D levels are in a normal range. I no longer use supplements, but I make sure that I get 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight a day.(without sunscreen) My muscle aches, pains and weakness are gone and I feel very good. I think every patient with Ra should have their vitamin D levels checked frequently...

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