Injection Site Lump | Arthritis Information


Today is MTX day and I always do it first thing in the morning to get it over with.  I don't know why, but I dread doing the injection.  It's not really painful, just a pinch, but I find the whole procedure unpleasant. Oddly enough, I was less bothered by it early on.  I guess I was so busy concentrating on the different steps that I didn't have time to think about how I really felt about it.  Does that make sense?  I can't explain it any other way.

Anyway, today after the injection I was left with a nickle-sized lump at the site.  This is the first time I've injected cold MTX from the refrigerator because of the summer weather.  Is that why I got the lump?  Or did I not injected deeply enough?  The lump is slowly going down so I guess it's being absorbed and won't be a problem.  I suspect I'm just not going deep enough because I'm resisting the whole procedure and I also worry about hitting a vein, even though I've heard that rarely happens.  Ack!  I don't mean to be a baby about  this.  The injection is more effective for me than the pills so I'll have to stick with it (no pun intended).  I just need to know if it's a problem if I get this lump.  I'd rather inject shallow rather than deeper and if it's OK to do that, then I won't worry if the lump happens again.  What do you think?
sounds like the med just wasn't being absorbed as fast as normal.  did you let the MTX warm up before you injected it?No, I didn't.  Should I have?  I'd rather not wait if I don't have to.  But if it's a problem, of course, I'll do what I have to do.  I'd take the MTX out of the fridge 1/2 hour before injection.  Make sure you're injecting deep enough and push the fluid in slowly.  I've been an RN for 20 years and done flu injection clinics along with my clinical practice and I've only hit a vein once.  You're braver than me...........I don't think I could inject myself so don't be so hard on yourself!Goldie, thanks for the kind words and the information.  I suspected I wasn't going deeply enough but I hate sticking that needle in!  (Sigh) Time to put on my big girl panties and do it the right way, I guess.  I'm encouraged to hear that it's really not that easy to hit a vein.  I was instructed to pull back on the syringe each time to make sure there's no blood, but I'm squeamish about doing that and many others say they never do it, so I haven't either.  Maybe that's why I've been bad about going deep enough...I knew I wouldn't be checking for blood in a vein.  But this was the first time I had such a large lump after the injection.
The lump is gone.  It was 90% gone the first two hours then the last 10% stuck around, looking very yellow, for a couple more hours.  Finally, it all absorbed.  
I was wondering if I'd feel the MTX going in more since it was cold, but I didn't.  What's the reason for taking it out and letting it warm first?  Anyone? 
Jesse, I've gotten a lump when I haven't pushed the needle in far enough.  It goes a way faily quickly.  SO maybe that's what happened to you.  I've never taken mine cold so I don't know about that.  I do understand how you feel about the injection though.  I can't really even feel the mtx and I still really hate doing it.  I guess it's the fact that I have to.  I always think that's kind of ridiculous to look at it that way when I consider what my life would be like without it.  I'd rather have it than not, ya know?I didn't want to tell you to check for blood before injecting because there are medications you do not do that with and I'm not sure if that was one.  Don't be squeemish, you won't see anything unless you get blood.   Then you would take out the syringe and start again from scratch.  Easy as that.  Again............I admire that you're even able to do that to yourself!Those of you who take this shot.  How long was it before you felt a difference in your RA?Did it go away completely?  Did you feel 50-80 percent better?  Are you able to do the things you use to do since taking the shot?  When I first started mtx, I was taking the pills.  I got some improvement, but not enough.  I didn't see a remarkable change until Enbrel was added.  I was almost back to normal the day after my first Enbrel shot.  Doses of both have gone up since then because even though I'm pretty good most of the time, I do still have occasional flares.I'm on oral MTX, and I've been decreasing the dose due to hair loss.  I'm only on 3 pills a week now due to hair loss.
Are there less side effects with the shots?  I already give myself enbrel shots once a week, so another shot wouldn't be a big deal.
Hmmm, I've never kept mine in the frig.  
I know what you mean about dreading the shot.  I've been doing it for years (actually my cousin injects me -- my fingers aren't so nimble) and the needle is a fine gauge so really doesn't hurt, but I have some anxiety.  So when I start to feel that way I put on some soothing classical music, eric satie does the trick, and helps put me in a calmer state of mind.  Then after the shot, I put on the Rolling Stones!
Joie2008-06-15 21:01:51[QUOTE=nori king]I'm on oral MTX, and I've been decreasing the dose due to hair loss.  I'm only on 3 pills a week now due to hair loss.
Are there less side effects with the shots?  I already give myself enbrel shots once a week, so another shot wouldn't be a big deal.
When I took the pills my hair started falling out immediately, my stomach hurt so badly and my nerves were a mess.  I read on here somewhere where someone said the shots are much easier to bear, but I don't know if your hair still falls out.
Thank you my friends.  I guess I'll take the MTX out of the fridge for a while before I inject it and just make sure I go deeper from now on.  It's funny, I get blood work every two months and it's no big deal even though it also has that pinch.  I think it's the part about doing it to myself and I can't look away that causes the problem. 
Aleva, I was started out on the pills and bumped up every two weeks until I hit 20 mg.  I was like that for one year and it was determined I wasn't getting enough benefit so I was switched to .08 injections.  After about one month I noticed an improvement in my symptoms, but also more side effects, which for me was cold sores on my face and terrible brain fog.  So the RD dropped me to .06 and I'm hoping to still see the same benefits as the higher dose with no side effects.  I had worse side effects with the injections but I guess that's because it was also doing more for me.  It definitely gives you more bang for the buck.  The RD told me it's 20-30 percent more effective than the pills. 
Nori, some people can't tolerate the side effects from the pills and do much better with the injections.  Everyone is different.  If you don't mind shots, and you don't feel you're getting enough benefit from the pills, I'd try the injections and see how it works for you.  You may find that your side effects are less bothersome with the injections.  But to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure if injections are supposed to help with all side effects or just the stomach problems.  I'm sure someone else here can answer that.
Joie, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who dreads this weekly ritual.  Thanks.
Linncn, if you got the lump too I don't feel so bad.  You're a smart cookie and if it happens to you, then there's hope for me!  LOL
Thank you everyone, for your help.  And Goldie, thanks for your input.  Getting information from a nurse as well as RA veterans is a plus!   
Jesse882008-06-17 12:43:19Hey Aleva and Jesse88,
Thank you for your responses.  The hair loss has been so depressing for me that I really want to find the best combo w/out that side effect!  I'm playing detective....
Take care,
