RA changes each time | Arthritis Information


I have had RA for 20 years and gone in remission twice.  When I first got RA I was in severe pain in my hands then I went into remission.   When it came back the second time the pain was so severe I could hardly move.  It affected my shoulder, neck, elbows but mostly my feet.   This went on for 3 years then I went into remission again.   This time it is back and the pain isn't so bad unless I walk (my knees, feet).  But if I'm sitting I don't hurt and I'm not up all night the way I was the first two times.  The only thing is I have extreme stiffness in my feet, knees and now back.    Has anyone else experienced anything similar?hi aleva are you saying drug free remmision   Yes pretty much drug free remisson.  I fasted and changed my diet afterwards, exercised and was on MSM and it went into remission.   The last time I was in so much pain that I couldn't sleep at night.  I elminated dairy, chocolate, processed foods, etc.   I still try to stay away from those (chocolate is so hard) and maybe that's why this time I don't have the pain as intensely as before I elminated certain foods from my diet.  However, the stiffness when I walk make me look and feel about 92 years old.Aleva,
What exactly did you do diet wise ??
Did you use any supplements?
I think I could control it that way too but it is very hard at times...

I am doing this and some diet things... have you heard of these..

serrapeptase ?
salmon oil?

plan on looking at AP as a possible help...
i was in drug free remission for a year and stress knocked it back out:(

Its grim/scary but when the pain is gone.. I like not being on those medicines
of course I had some neck pain this time around and got scared...
the enzyme has helped with pain so much...
what about fatigue?

This is huge at times...I was thinking about cQ10 to help with energy.

Hope you feel better soon.

The only supplement I was taking at the time was MSM.  I had never taken it before and I read an article with James Coburn (the actor who has sinced passed on) had really bad RA for years and he said this type of MSM brought him back.  I ordered it and within a week I my feet had stopped hurting.  I have ordered the same MSM from the same company since RA came back this time but of course this time it didn't work.   I basically went on a diet of salads for two weeks.  (red leaf lettuce, green grapes, cucumbers, red onion, just a slice of tomato and olive oil and vinegar).   I fasted off chocolate, processed foods, pork and red meats.   When I started eating again I only ate fish and chicken, brown rice and steamed vegetables.   I felt great and went into remission.  I was even back to wearing 3" heels again.  That was so great because I love shoes and now I wonder if I will ever wear nice shoes again.

It was so great being in remissionand not taking any meds.  Occasionally I would take an Aleve if I felt pain but that was few and far between.  I lived in California at the time and the climate is much different than here in Virginia (humidity).
I saw this infomercial about this stuff called Flex-protex which is an all natural product that is suppose to greatly help RA.  I just received my bottle today and will let you know if I see a difference.   I'm just afraid to take all those other meds (unless I get in so much pain I have to) because of the side affects and what may happen down the road.  But, thank God for those meds if I can't get relief elsewhere. 
I have to get back on an all vegetarian diet again but it's been hard because I live so far from a grocery store here and in Calif. I use to go out and buy my vegs each day.  Everything was right around the corner.  Also I've been losing too much weight because I don't feel like standing at the stove cooking anymore.
BTW, what is cQ10?   I could use that too.  Is it natural? [QUOTE=Aleva]BTW, what is cQ10?   I could use that too.  Is it natural?[/QUOTE]

Co-enzyme Q10 is often recommended for people with heart disease.  It is being investigated for other uses as well.

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