Dear RA #2 | Arthritis Information


Hey RA,

Joy here again.  And today I'm really pissed at you.  Actually, I've been pissed for some time.  You a$$, you're getting in the way of my life.

Damn you, you made me cry.  All I tried to do was a short 0.9 mile hike in the mountains.  Nothing fancy, no aspirations of a summit, just a fairly tame stroll to a lake.  And didn't you have to make my feet hurt.  Didn't you just have to make me feel that the last thing left I still like to do, I can't do.  RA, you suck.

You've made me give up my cycling, hiking and all the social parts of my life that come with that.  And, because no one asks why I'm opting out, they think I'm just lazy, not that you're knocking me off my feet.  I hate you.

But I'm fighting back.  Friday I'm going to see my rheumy and ask for some shots in my feet.  I'm going to get back on my bike, I'm going to go hiking.  Just you wait and see.  I'm not giving in to you yet. 

- Joy.
P.S.   This is an open letter, RA, and I'm inviting all the others out there to give you a piece of their minds too.  RA, you suck.
You go.............kick RA's butt!  Thanks Goldie ... and thanks for listening.  Yeah RA; what the ....

I want to know why I have to be more decrepid than my 82 yo parents. Can't even cut my own toenails and my leg hairs are mezmerising.

Have to throw out all my paints and canvasses that are collecting dust in big jumbled piles that i can't pick up.  Had to have my cat put down because i can't stuff tablets down his throat.  Hey here's a joke
How many RA sufferers does it take to change a lightbulb?
It depends how many joints they have between them!!!

ooooh, just shoot me
Hay someone else has leg hair like mine...lolI hear you - I hear you!!!! I want to walk - I want to run - I want to sew - crochet - knit - knead bread - wash windows - vacuum - exercise- ride the four wheeler - ride a horse -drive for several hours hold a book to read - Isn't 31 years of my life enough? Can't you let up and let me do things? Now you've made me cry again - I hate You - please LEAVE ME ALONE Dear RA,

You are a pompous ass.  You may think you're big and bad, but you pale in comparison to the cancer my stepmother has battled for over a decade, or the severe back problems my father has, or the cardiac arrest that nearly took my husband 8 years ago.  You may win a few battles here and there, but I will win the war.
