RA and allergies | Arthritis Information


I have grass allergies.  Only when the grasses go to seed.  This year we had a lot of rain and the last week the grass is covered in pollen.  What I have noticed is my reaction is much worse than it was prior to RA, besides the itchy eyes, sneezing, generally uncomfortable allergy season has been for me in the past - Thank God it only last while the grasses are blooming - I now get hives and my throat swells.  I have to take mega doses of benedryl to control the symptoms.  I also flare.  After exposure and a reaction, all of my joints hurt and I am pretty much out of it for days.  I have to stay indoors which is very hard for me as I love to sit in the Spring sun.

Have you noticed a difference since RA onset and allergic reactions?
I have noticed a difference Roxy and even though we live across the country from CA we still get some of the ashes from the fires.  They have placed warnings on TV warning people about it, especially asthma and emphesema patients .  We also have the grass & tree pollen.  I take Benedryl at bedtime and it help with sleeping too.  Sudafed during the day. 
Hope you feel better soon Roxy.
Yes, Yes, Yes! Think about it. RA is an auto immune disorder. Crazy immune disorder is what it should be called. LOL Our ability now to fight allergies is comprimised to say the least. So we take medication that supresses our immune system and "boom", our natural immunities are out the window. I would suggest to anyone who is sufferring from seasonal allergies to see an allergy specialist.  They are the experts immuneology.
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