Minocin and Yeast | Arthritis Information


I am wondering if anyone has any wisdom or learnings to share with me with respect to Minocin and yeast. I was on Minocin for less than a month, about 100mg a day, 3 times a week (I worked up to 150mg a day but backed off due to the first yeast infection). Anyhow, I got one yeast infection, then another, then another. I have been to see my RD and my OB-GYN, I've taken 2 doses of "1 day treatment" of OTC Canesten/Monistat, I've taken 3 doses of Diflucan and 3 doses of Terazol. I am FINALLY symptom free. I had the fuzzy tongue and raging vaginal yeast....

I am not taking any Minocin now and boy can I tell a difference. Light swelling in hands, some morning stiffness and some lessenedn mobility in fingers - I am surprised at how quickly it came back... since I was borderline RA to begin with (I have seen 4 RDs and rec'd diff dx from all of them - from aggressive RA to "no RA"). My official dx is "evolving RA".

Anyhow, I have googled yeast to death and I know to eat a low sugar diet and not to drink or eat fermented foods. Any other advice? I want to go back on Minocin ASAP but am so leary of it.... I don't want to end up in this situation again. It sucked.All this is telling you is you probably had an underlying yeast infection that was barely held in check before you added in the antibiotics.  There is a ton of research out there that suggests that hyperpermeable gut linings are why we get sick in the first place. 

I had the same thing and I'm telling you from my personal experience, that that yeast is NOT gone.  It's still there.  It takes over part of your GI track and you need to replace it with good flora.  It's not something you can do overnight with a couple of diflucan and monistats.  It's a serious all out effort to remove it permanantly by stopping anything that feeds it (beer, sugar) and repopulating your GI track with good bacteria.
Did you start probiotics with your Minocin?  Those of us with underlying yeast issues need to be sure we are religious about the probiotics.  Yogurt just won't cut it for me.  Because I'm on Minocin and Zith 5 days a week I take 6 - 8 probiotic caps a day!  It keeps the yeast in check while I work on it with diflucan, nystatin, Grapefruit Seed extract, apple cider vinegar and whatever else I can figure out I need to do to kill that stuff off. 
I figure I'm never going to get my 'cure' unless I address this yeast once and for all.
P.S.  You know you're on the right amount of probiotics when you don't get the yeast around 'that time' and you are 'regular' in relationship to BM's. 
P.S.S.  Some fermented foods are OK.  Pickles without vinegar.  Search for probiotic and prebiotic foods.  The only 'good' vinegar is apple cider vinegar. 
P.P.S.S.  A natural, cheap fix is a heaping teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.  You have to do all this this stuff to kill the yeast. 
Bicarb is a wonderful antacid but just be aware that there are some RA meds that dont interact well with it.....check first.
( Sorry cant name them but in my trawling for knowledge about RA I did take that onboard as I use Bicarb rather than over the counter stuff that you pay a fortune for!!
Edited to add:  Gee I am spending a heap of time editing tonight!! lolol. OK I will blame the meds.
I meant to say above that bicarb  of soda is one of the main active ingredients of most antacids  so be careful of the bought ones too.
LyndeeNZ2008-06-17 01:36:22I have been having trouble with yeast from the prednisone! I never had this problem before! Does it cause stomach bloat?Also don't forget that yeast can be transmitted by physical contact..make sure your spouse/partner is yeast freeYes, yeast can cause stomach bloating, gas, and cramping.  It may also cause bowel problems like radiating between too loose or too solid.  The main point it that your GI tract is 'off' and you need to start replacing the 'bad yeast' with good 'gut flora'.  But it doesn't want to go quietly - it's got some 'prime GI real estate' and you have to displace it with good.  That doesn't happen over night.  It can take years to address the problem and heal the gut. 
A lot of APer's who have been on all the traditional meds have a huge yeast problem to deal with.  An immune suppressent would give yeast 'free rein'.  Some of these guys are on diflucan daily for months trying to bring it under control.  And thats a harsh med that requires lots of monitoring of your liver by an MD.
If people question if yeast can be a huge problem or not - go to Google Images and look up Candida Albicans.
Eating Yogurt can help too.  Yes, it can help, but by the time we get to these diseases, we're usually a little too late for that.  The problem with yogurt is most of it's commercially made with a process that destroys the natural probiotic value to it.  Then, because it's not there anymore, they 'add in' some probiotics.  Duh!  But they're only using one or two strains.  The capsules are good in that have multiple strains.  The brand I uses has 12, I think, and if you go to Pub Med and look up the individual strains, you can see the research behind what is and isn't added to the pills. 
The problem is your miles of intestines have gazillions of different strains populating it.  Trying to restore that to 'normal' is exceedingly difficult but can be done if you can start adding in pre- and probiotic foods.  Maybe some organic honey (but I'm still researching that).
I think all honey is organic, it is a natural preservative and has anti-bacterial qualities.  However, it seems our honeybees are dying off due to disease accelerated.....
PBS Nature special was very interesting;
The bees are dying from
pesticides and malnutrition (guess the genetically altered stuff)
which opens the door for
bacteria, fungus and virus
you get the picture anyway sad thing happening
so then they are importing bees from china and the land down under and they are finding these bees to have virus similiar to Aids
sorry I got off subject....my ranting about bees today:)
As far as yeast infections, I don't know how you can get rid of it while taking AP as AP kills the friendly flora...sounds like a catch 22
I am taking 3 different probiotics every day, and am religious about it. They did not do much, clearly.

When should I reintroduce the minocin? I just ordered my Canadian brand name minocin, it just arrived in 3 sealed (by factory) bottles, paid 2 for it. I am scared to start taking it again.... but know I have to.

If I get more yeast, and have to back off of Minocin altogether, what DMARD should I tackle next. One of my RDs said to take Enbrel next, another said Triple Therapy (mtx, plaq and sufl).

Any advice??LuAnn!
Yep, you got that right!  I think you know I dodged a bullit with AP when I skipped my probiotics for 6 weeks.  That's how this yeast surfaced.  Can you say 'moron?'  So, now to repair that idiocy I have to address one issue and then the other, kind of back and forth, bringing both the mycoplasma down a bit, then the candida, until I can get this more under control.  It sure isn't easy, but I'm doing it.  So much for my idea of an easy fix.  It took me a lot to really understand how 'off' my body was to allow this disease to emerge the way it did.  Sigh.  Anyway, I think this is the main reason my RF stays so high.  Everything else is OK but that. 
Also, if you search here for 'honeybee's' GoGo posted some info on it.  Seems the only hives that are succumbing to colony colapse disease are the 'genetically modified' ones - the ones that were made to be 50% bigger.  I wish Big Agri would leave well enough alone.  Also, some of the links I've been on kind of explained that with honey 'organic' means how the hives were or were not messed with.  So, I'll join you on your rant.  Seems like a good one to me.
Cdndream - I don't think I'm making sense here.  If you have systemic yeast, the last thing you want is a biologic.  And the 3 step thing has Sulphasalizine in it which is a really really really weak antibiotic.  You'll still get the problem you have now. 
I don't usually post this kind of stuff - but I went to PubMed to see 'candida and TNF'  Inflammation makes candida really out of control.  Suppressing the immune system is something that would make it more prevalent.  This might explain why the non-APers on probiotics report they do better on them with less flares etc.  I suspect this is why Cordy is now 'refractory'.  She's been thru all the tradionals and I don't think any doc addressed gut issues with her.  Heck, from posts here, they don't address them with us. 
All probiotics are not created equal.  Get the biggest guns you can get.  For example, I use Solaray Multidophilus 12 but Whole Foods pushes Jarrow with FOS.  So, one week I decided to try that one, I mean, how different could it be, right?  BIG DIFFERENCE!  OMG, within a week I had the yeast back.  So I ran back to Whole Foods and picked up the Solaray and saw an improvement in 24 hours.  Whatever is in that brand just works better on my body than any of the other stuff I tried.  But others may not do as well on Solaray as I do so you kind of have to 'experiment' to see what you need to get this under control. 
My AP doc has me on and off diflucan and Nystatin.  Between those, and some of the natural things I'm doing, I'm way better than when the pain came back after the 'skipping the probiotics' fiasco.  At that time I was getting stiff again and, oddly, had pain on the tops of my feet and backs of my hands.  It took about 6 weeks of massive doses of probiotics to get rid of that.  That's how close I came to blowing AP. 
Anyway - here are some studies -
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but what I'm getting is the body sends in TNF to attack candida and keep it in control.  However, if we're on TNF's, how is that going to happen?
I have the yeast problem from a different source but RA is behind the whole thing. Why does this disease have to be such a chore? I didn't realize there is such a battle to fight. I thought you just take a flipping diflucan instead of that messy cream crap and your done! It does seem to reappear the week before my period and my stomach is so bloated up I must be baking a couple loaves of bread in there! What a pain- I have to go buy more pills to swallow?

I think the yeast is behind the RA or the AI disease of choice.  Seriously, when your body goes over to the microbes, it really goes over to them.  Kind of everything just quits. 

Most mainstream docs say just pop a diflucan - but as you can tell, it's back a week before mense.  And by the time we get those tell tale signs, we're pretty much 'systemic'.  Think of those tell tale signs as a 'late' warning system.  For me, when I skipped the probiotics for 6 months, I was in all over 'ache' mode.  Mind you, probiotics need to kind of implant onto the GI tract, a lot just gets passed thru, so that's why you're constantly replacing the good stuff and helping it 'edge out' the yeast or whatever else bad stuff you have in your intestines.  That's what takes so long.  Yeast doesn't want to leave and it LOVES an acidic environment.  Hence the reason a lot of people work on PH balancing the body.
When I started massive dosing of probiotics, I found the pain in the hands and on the tops of the feet was the first to go.  Then I noticed the yeast was only around maybe 1/2 the month.  Then I started to get more 'regular'.  Now, with some months on and some months off diflucan and nystatin, I'm to the point where I only feel the yeast about a day or two before mense.  So, serious headway, but nowhere near 'gone'.  What I need to do is a serious no sugar, no fun, PH balancing diet for at least 6 months and constantly hit this with diflucan and nystatin.  I wish the natural meds would have worked for me, but I was too far gone.  And diflucan is some serious med - it can really do a number on your liver so you need to be monitored.  APers doing the massive diflucan slowly work up until their livers can handle it. 
When I first used diflucan I got sort of sick to my stomach.  I felt like I had the flu and flared kind of bad (so almost 2 years ago as I'd started AP).  I now think that was herxing from some serious die-off because each other time I took diflucan it was less and less and I just got better and better.  Of course, then I went and ruined it all.
So, if anybody suspects yeast as a problem, please research and consider addressing that issue.  You won't regret it.
I need a medical degreeeeeeeeee!!!
I seriously, cannot keep up w/ all this stuff..
OK.. taking enbrel.. and I've had TWO yeast infections in the last THREE weeks!!  therefore.. you betcha.. I'm not doing my shots..
I went to the GYN Monday and he took a culture.. I go back next Monday... and we'll see what the deal is..   but there is definitely something happening in my body... I drink kefir.. and I drink acidilphous milk (SP?) ... trying to get some good biotics...
damn... this really IS a roller coaster isn't it??    UGH!!!

Wow!  Kefir is supposed to be really good.  I have it on my list to order the grains.  I'm trying to cut my probiotic costs and was hoping to do that with Kefir as it's cheap and you can make it at home. 

I'm telling you Babs, I'm with you on the medical degree.  I'm thinking of going back to school.  Of course, I'll be OLD by the time I get out...LOL  But I find all this fascinating, which is hilarious because pre-RA I'd have DIED rather than do anything 'science'.  And who would have thunk it - the differences between a few strains and probiotics work or doesn't work for your body.  When people tell me they love the Jarrow - I'm like, 'good for you' but it did NOTHING for me.  Go figure.
Has anyone tried or considered trying colonics/colonic irrigation? Or Candida Cleanse products? OR, those "cleanse" products that claim you'll poop out all sorts of stuff to cleanse the colon? Apparently diflucan and probiotics don't work if your colon is full of crapola....

I don't even know if a medical degree would help. Maybe a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine...


Maybe you should consider going to a doctor with a degree and follow his or her good prescription for better ra health. Right now it is the yeast and shortly it is going to be your gastrointestinal tract and then you will have a very hard time getting back to good. Listen to what you are being told. Look at the trouble these non-doctors have gotten themselves into and are too stuborn to hollar "uncle". It's time to see a healthcare professional that will help put you back to good before it's too late.


Cdndream -
Please ignore our resident pisher - he's too far gone to be helped.  Maybe Lithium.
Yes, I've considered them and, yes, from what I've read, getting rid of a lot of 'stuck' stuff in the GI tract will help fix a lot of things.  JSNM promised to help me when I get up the nerve.  My problem (besides the yuck factor) is first you're supposed to do a parasite cleanse and from all I've read, you need a weekend with no interruptions and stay close to home, if you get my drift?  How I'm going to get a weekend to myself?  It's wall to wall activities here.  I'm barely home on weekdays and weekends - forget it. 
I think I need to schedule the time and not let anything else get in the way.  Everytime I try something new, it's never as bad as I thought.  Just tried Stevia after thinking about it for a year - LOL - and it wasn't nearly as yucky as I thought.


Maybe you should consider going to a doctor with a degree and follow his or her good prescription for better ra health. Right now it is the yeast and shortly it is going to be your gastrointestinal tract and then you will have a very hard time getting back to good. Listen to what you are being told. Look at the trouble these non-doctors have gotten themselves into and are too stuborn to hollar "uncle". It's time to see a healthcare professional that will help put you back to good before it's too late.



I am seeing a MD. Have not been to see any non-MDs. [QUOTE=Pip!] Cdndream -


I saw these photos (they are gross) and have been reading a lot and think that maybe I should do this....
I figure it might restore my GI tract and get the yeast/bacteria balance back?


I think it will help me - but the photos - hopefully JSNM will see this.  She's the reident colonics expert.


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