All I want to do VENT | Arthritis Information


I am sitting here at work, done with everything I had to do, waiting on something else to do, and all I really want to do is go home and go to bed, I am soooooooo tired. My neck , back, hips, knees, wrists and elbows hurt, and every time I move something pops and sounds disgusting. ugh Oh yeah when I do get to go home, I can't go to bed. I have to fix dinner for 6 and start doing homework for my class. At least I can do a little each night and keep up. Most people wait until the last minute but that would be nearly mpossible for me to do will all I have on my plate.  Lord, been there done that.  I really feel for u.  Until the first of this year, I worked full time, single mom and did accelerated bachelors degree.  Things do get better...........Jenn, you just go ahead and vent girl.  I'd say you deserve to.  Honestly, I'm in awe of you people who do it all while stuggling with this disease.  You are some tough cookies.  Hugs to all of you. And it's only Tuesday   :(

Hang in there!
Sounds like you need to start setting some limits or get some help so you don't overdo things. It's hard enough to be ill and stay functional. Pace yourself or you will really be screaming. OH man, reminds me of my college days. Exhausts me just thinking of it. sorry you are having to endure this disease and school and work at the same time. Vent away. I don't know how people can work or have young children with this disease. Mine are 15 and 20 and I am lucky cuz' they help out and are good  kids.
 SO YOU are strong, you've come this far and made it.
Keep on venting, we're here to listen and feel for ya.
take care
