Lorster... | Arthritis Information


Empty in mailbox...tried to reply to your pm today.  ooops.   sorry bout that...done.Still have snow out there, Lori?  Our heat wave is over and it's back in the 60's.Oh wow Linncn. No, really nice the past few days. In the 70's and 80's. YAY!!! I love summer. We still have lots of snow in the mountains around us. I should post pictures of the valley right now. It is beautiful here. Our lilacs are just blooming, about a month late. Maybe it will be a late summer. Linncn, where do you live? I'm in Michigan.  Last week it was in the 90's.  Our lilacs are bloomed and gone.  I have a bush and then a later blooming dwarf tree.  I don't think they're the prettiest flower, but the scent..........Heaven!I bet you have the humidity like Iowa..probably worse as you are closer to the lakes. My daughter from Iowa is here for 10 days and she is enjoying the non humid weather. Yeah, we do get a pretty high humidity here.  But how did your daughter make out with all the flooding?They are in Des Moines. Things are not as bad there. I think they had some problems in the down town area. She is in West Des Moines and not much weather problems. They have had a couple of tornado scares. I would love to see a tornado. Going to Denver with my husband next week. Maybe I'll get lucky. Are you just taking a vacation?  I guess you can use one after this past weekend, huh?  Glad your daughter fared well.  Hope you get to see your tornado.  I didn't know they get them in Colorado.  Don't go getting yourself blown away or anything.We don't get any tornados here. Guess I really would not want to see one if I really did see one. I hear they are very stressful for people. My husband has to make a business trip there. He was going to fly but I talked him into driving so we are going to leave on Sunday. It is 700 miles each way. Denver is the shopping capital of the world, LOL. I don't shop a whole lot, but I love to look. It will be nice to get out of this town. I just survived the weekend from hell. It ended up with some people not speaking to each other...Total dysfunction at times. I'm glad it is over. Garys sick brother and his wife are still here and they could live with us and it would be ok with me. The rest....NO. Maybe now that the rest are gone you can enjoy what's left of your visit with them.  It's just such a shame that it went the way it did.

Your trip sound so fun.  Bet the scenery will be spectacular.   I always wonder if people who live in the mountains take the beauty for granted.  I don't think I ever would.  But maybe it's different if you see it everyday, maybe it just fades to the background.
I live in a beautiful place. It is a very green right now so everything is green with the white capped peaks in the back ground. I live in a mountainous area and have the gallatin range, tobacco roots, spanish peaks and bridger range surrounding us. Lots of rivers running through the valley. I often times complain to my husband that I want to move but the three months of summer changes my mind. I will post some pictures in the next couple of days before the snow melts from the mountains. Yeah, the weekend was a disaster. Two of garys siblings are raising their grandkids because their kids keep having them and don't want to be parents and I guess I just don't agree with that. I say. If you have them...you raise them. That was a huge part of the problem. The grandparents could not find anyone to watch the kids they are raising.

Michigan does have some very beautiful areas.  It's breathtaking up north.  The area I live in isn't ugly per se, it's just sort of bland.  You know, it's one of a million small cities that are just like it.  We have our Appleby's and Burger King and Chilli's...Home Depot, Bed Bath Beyond, Best Buy...  It's not a bad place to live, I like it here.  But part of me wishes I was living in the wilderness where I could climb mountains and have deer in my yard and be amazed by the beauty of it all when I look out my window in the morning.

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