Did MTX take longer than 3 months for you? | Arthritis Information


I need hope, that there is a good reason I can't have a cocktail with friends, and that the stupid MTX will kick in eventually.  I have been on it for over 3 months.  Now on 20 mg.  (Started on 10, then to 15). 

How long did it take for you?  How quickly did it work?  Gradually, or overnight? 

I had a mole check at my derm and his helpful comment was "my patients always see results from MTX in 3 months."  Thanks, doctor.  I am able to work so I can't complain too much but the MTX has not brought down the swelling in my wrist one bit, and now my elbow is getting swollen and hurts to the touch.  Just at one joint though, the ulnar.  Is there a bursa there? Not at the very tip of the elbow, and not at the point on the insude/radial side, but at the tip on the ulnar side.  It hurts at the tip of the ulna and down the bone a bit.  I know if I ask my RD he will say "it's related to RA and the MTX will help, once it kicks in."  Yay.  It's starting to hurt to hold the phone in my right hand.  At least the left is okay for now, thank god for that!

It was a good five months before I felt a real difference.  Some people need to add Plaquenil, Enbrel or something similar along with the MTX in order to get its full effect.  I was on Plaquenil from day one of the MTX and it still took several months to feel much better.  It's hard to be patient, especially when we're used to other medications that kick in quickly, but these RA drugs are a whole other animal.  Hang in there.  Your doctor was wrong to make that blanket 3-month statement.  There are others besides me who took longer than that and my RD was not surprised that it took so long.  Everyone is different.  

For me it took 2 months. Actually I went from being AWFUL to almost perfect overnight when they jacked my prednisone up to 40 mgs. so I'm not sure when it kicked in.

Thanks for your responses!  Jesse, did you see improvement gradually?  Or did it "kick in"?  I just haven't had any change at all, not the slightest, and that is what is so depressing.  I am hoping one day I will wake up and be able to bend my wrist, but I know that's asking too much, but if I'm not seeing gradual improvement either...
My RD is giving me 2 full months on 20 mg before he sees me again, so fingers crossed

Katie, I didn't see any difference until I added a biologic to the mix.  MXT on it's own did absolutely nothing.  I gave it six months.  Lindy

I went up to 25mg of MTX over a 4-5 month period and then added Enbrel when it didn't work on it's own.   If you're having new areas pop up, you may want to check back with your doctor earlier.   Will he increase to 25 mg if the 20mg doesn't work for you?
It was 9 months for me.  It stopped the creepy-crawling feeling of this disease taking over your body.  I don't miss this at all.
Or it wasn't the MTX at all, it was just the end of that phase of my disease. 
Mine was around 10-12 months for a "Hey I don't hurt today" feeling. There were many- many med and dosage changes along with the RD testing my patience till I wanted to scream. (Wait and try this for 2 months) then (well it may not have kicked in yet, see you in two months). My current cocktail is working pretty well. "knocks on wood" The waiting is the worst part next to the PAIN of course.  I hope it works for you soon.
P.S. I whined enough to RD that now I am allowed to have a drink on special occations. Its better than nothing. I have maybe 1 drink a month.
I have had three Remicade treatments along with the MTX.  Haven't noticed any difference except some of the swelling in my wrists have gone down.  They still hurt.  I have a glass of wine every night.  This disease has taken away so much that I am going to still enjoy one of the few pleasures I have left.  My bloodwork is fine.MTX alone did absolutely nothing for me.. but in combination with the biologics, its essential to them working at all.KatieG, I think I did start to feel a little improvement before the five months, it's hard to remember, but the real changes came at the five month mark.  Try not to be discouraged.  Easy to say, I know, but MTX is such a great drug for so many, I'd hate to see you give up on it too soon.  Give it a few more months and if there's still no improvement at all, you may have to try something else or go to the injections.  I could really tell I was getting more benefit from the MTX a few weeks after I started the shots.  Good luck.  I hope you feel better sooner rather than later, as some do.
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