Two steps forward...three back | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I am fairly new to this RA diagnosis and had a question.  I have been on Plaquenil since February.  I was feeling better on it in April until a couple of weeks ago and now the pain and stiffness is creeping back.  My RD is being very cautious about my stomach (4 major stomach surgeries) so there are many drugs she is reluctant to add.  We tried Relafen and that didn't do well for me.  Even though I took nexium 2x a day to counter the bad effects of the Relafen.  I have my next appointment with her at the end of July but I'm wondering if I should ask that we get a bit more aggressive with my treatment.  This is so disheartening because the fatigue is also creeping back.  I took the day off work but I have an important meeting to attend tonight.  I'm getting ready to drag myself out to the meeting. 
What would you do?  Would you ask your RD to step up the treatment?  Perhaps MTX.  I don't know.  Anyway, thanks for reading....Hiking_gal
possibly inkectable mts..I wouldn't try the pill form with your stomach issues