need help | Arthritis Information


I'm 28 yr old - just recently diagnosised with osteo-arthritis in my hip  - my rhem doesn't know what to do now - no drugs help  when cartilages are loss, my rhem put me in a waiting list at the hospital which takes about a month's time.

my joints are inflamed. I have to use an umbrella to act as a walking stick - because I hate the feeling of a sudden joint "cracking" when I make a sudden move which makes my whole body shivers.

i don't know who I could turn to - or what to do now...after searching the net about my condition i am worried that my condition would get worser.

I don't want to be a "baggage" to my mother... and because of my condition - there is no time for crying - as crying won't change a thing. I have to accept this condition I am in...but I don't know what to do next with my life. I am really sorry to my mother...

so, i like to know : will this imflamation eventually goes away for a while? does anyone uses a walking stick/wheel chair?  what occupation are you in? are you living alone?

It's hard to believe you have to wait so long to get some treatment that works. There are plenty of treatments out there that will help inflammation. Can you get another opinion? It's too soon to conclude that no drugs will help you but a month is an awful long time to have to wait.

If you are 28 and have osteo you must have a very bad diet and you must be seriously overweight. It can be corrected but the question is are you up to doing what it takes?

I've had just about enough of you RONBN56...your statement is uncalled for.

I've read your 7 post and kept my cool until I read this one. What's it to you if all of us here take medications for medical conditions we find unbearable without prescription drugs? If I had to bet; I'd bet you have a financial stake in "helping" these folks here that you have put down in more than one topic here.

Why ever you're here....I for one wish you'd leave.

It's one thing to come here and make some friendly suggestions as to how people can help themselves with diet and other supplements; but to repeatly put people down and to make it sound like these peoples problems are all self inflicted is totally uncalled for.

Not once in any of your post did you say one single thing that would make any of us welcome you back here.

Go sale your story elsewhere Ronbn56; you've turned us all off here.

Get lost Ron Brown.

hey Ron,

     GET LOST!!!

         So we can all put away our pooper scoopers!

You get him ladies!   I'll go further. 
My diet, according to a gastrologist, is fairly balanced. I've had OA for years.  I'm not overweight, a licensed medical doctor has ok'ed my diet.  If it had been me that this ass said was overweight, I'd be on the warpath!
jimmy, please ignore anything by this idiot ron.   you're not at fault for this.   meds may not be something that can help with your hip but hip replacements are one thing to consider.  i think it is too soon to write off all meds as well. 
i'm 28, had OA secondary to RA definitely for 3 yrs now and most likely longer.  i've been married for 10 years.  you'll eventually find what you can do with your life.  
You go girl!!

jimmy what is the month hospital wait for? Hip-replacement? I think a cortisone inj would ease your pain.

Gentle exercise helps both body and mind. Odds are you will get better than you have been feeling of late.

Don't worry about your Mom, you'll find a way to lead a happy life even with bad hips. 

what can i do now?  i feel soo lost and helpless, and no friends to turn to apart from the net. i have to quit my current job at the restuarant because it's too demandng.  now, i am relying on my savings to support myself.  living with my mother, renting my older sister house - a person who i barely get along with.

what i like to know is people with osteoarthristis in the hip area, are they currently on crutches? do the pain go away eventually? your help is appreciated.
feeling depressed at this moment.  I have tried my best not to feel this way, but this feeling just swept into mind.Maybe it's the weather - cold, and gloomy, the house looks cold and gloomy too.


Don't give up. I had a doc who say arthritis in my back at 28 and really did not think anything of it. Then I got it in my shoulder and tested me for Lupus and RA since it is in my family. There is a test called an ana and a sed rate that he should do. The ANA shows if the body is fighting against itself, therefore causing inflammation, and usually an auto immune disorder and the sed rate shows how much inflammation you have. If they are high they can go on to see if something more serious is going on and how to treat it.At your young age you should be asking alot of questions, because this should not be happening to you so soon. Because I was so young I thought everything was ok. Now I walk with a cane and have 3 herniated disks in my back, moderate arthritis and spinal stenosis. Otherwise, a whole crap load of pain. Friday I get my first epidural steroid injection. Steroids are the juice of the gods to anyone who has unbearable pain. They really help. I wll fight this with every ounce of information I can lay my hands on. The only thing you can do once your joints have been damaged are try to keep them from furthur dmage, and manage pain with anti inflamatories, heat, ice. When you have the good days and doc says it's ok, to excersise to keep your joints, body and mind strong. Keep your head up, fire your doc if you don't like him and find one that will explain everything to the tee to you. And to the @ss who wrote his stupid comments above, arthritis has no boundry of age, race, sex, weight, or for him:stupidity.
thanks heidi for your kind words...

i don;t think oestoarthritis has anything to do with weight.  i am 176cm tall, and weight only 50kg... which is underweight - skinny for my height.

i'm having mood swings - sometimes i get depress and low, maybe because i don't have friends and have to stay at home watching day go by. my concern is using up my savings.

but when the weather warms up again, i feel like another person - my depression will go away.


AWW jimmyjazzhonda,

I feel so sad for you...I'll be your friend.

Guess what?  you need to move over to the Rheumatoid Arthritis side...We have lots of friends over there and the more the please, come on over...

When you reach the AI website and go to login, and it brings you to page listing all the groups, click on the Rheumatoid Arthritis board and it will bring you to us....Can't wait to see your over there...WE WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU.




If you have no cartilage between the bones. It would only make sense that you need a hip replacement. Oste is the cartilage between your bones. And when it wears out it can be fixed by putting a new replacement  in there. If the doctor you are going to now does not know this. You need to go to a different one. That is where all your pain is coming from. Hope you fine some help!

you do not have to have a rubbish diet to have oesteoarthritis at a young age ronbn56! that is a very uneducated oppinion. i am 20 years old and have osteoarthritis due to the fact that i was born with a displaced hip- i eat very healthily so this has nothing to do with diet! get your facts stright before giving us your oppinion mate!