Its some of the old gang. | Arthritis Information


Karen, Linda

Hi girls how are you? I am up past my bed time but wanted to say hi. What is the puppies name Linda?
Hey, hey, hey, it's Captain Jay!!!!!!  How are you buddy?I am doing well. I can't say I like taking this cocktail but I do as it keeps me going.  How is everything with you. I am still planning on the convention in Vegas next yearWho knows, you may start doing bigger and bigger haunts and get a little out there like us!Hey Jay!!  This is a nice surprize.  What's this about a Las Vegas convention?Did someone say Vegas? They did!!  But I don't know if we're invited.  We may have to crash a party.Road trip! Oh baby!! I'm already packingVegas what? :-D [QUOTE=Linncn]I'm already packing[/QUOTE]

You gonna drive, or should I swipe a 2-seater Cessna from the local airport?  I can fly, as long as the weather's decent