Two nickel size blisters... | Arthritis Information


I woke up this morning with two blisters on my head. One is close to my hair line in my hair not on my face and the other not far from the first one. They are both itchy and painful. I've had problems with shingles in the past but these don't look like that.

My RA doc is out of the office...anyone know what these things are?
Jennifer, I hadn't heard of this before, but in searching, I found a condition call Bullous Pemphigoid which is auto-immune and causes large blisters, and can co-exist with RA.  They say it can affect a small area or a large one.  Here's a link, although I'll warn you the second photo on the page shows a very extensive case and is a little disturbing:
It can be diagnosed by skin biopsy.  Guess we learn something new about this disease every day.
The only other thought I long have you been on Wellbutrin?  When I took it, I had significant hives that caused me to discontinue the drug and afterwards I learned that this happened to many people.
Innerglow, OH MY GOODNESS THAT SECOND PICTURE IS HORRIBLE! Thanks for the heads up:) My blisters look kind of like the first pic...hard to tell.
I see my RA next Thurs....I'm guessing they will still be there.
I've been on the Wellbutrin since Christmas.
Jennifer. I would not take a chance. Make sure it is not shingles. If it is you need to start treatment within 48 hours of the first eruption. Please get it checked out ASAP.Do you think it could perhaps be the beginnings of scalp psoriasis?

As we know, psoriasis and RA have PsA in common.that link wasn't working for me..
don't mess w/ this stuff.. when you're on these immunosuppressants.. all kinds of weird things pop up... I know this.
