could this be RA?? | Arthritis Information


I am 23 and had my daughter 1 ½ years ago and ever since I had her (by c-section) I have been going down hill. I have a swollen wrist on the left hand and it hurts to lift anything with both wrists. My fingers on the right hand are sore really bad in the morning, they are not swollen but sore. Not actually my fingers but the knuckle bones in the palm of my hand. They are this way until and take a long hot shower and I have moved around for a few hours.


This is the order that I remember to the best of me that it came. I never have fever; and none of the spots are red. I hit my right fourth toe on a chair months ago and it is sore sometimes from the toe up about 3 inches into my foot on top and bottom, I can’t pull my toe up at all. When I stand up on it at work it burns really bad. It is not broke or fractures I have had xrays.  I woke up one morning and my neck hurt really bad I thought that maybe I had slept wrong but the pain never goes away. In both of my thighs the muscles ache and a have a hard time walking after I have been sitting for a while (20 minutes sometimes).  I have lower back pain and knee pain. The knee pain sometimes is horrible; I have to wrap them up in blankets and go to sleep. In the past two weeks I have been having unbearable pain in my arms. In both normally from the elbow to the wrist, the muscles hurt more than anything, it feels like my elbows are going to pop but they can’t. In the morning it is so bad that I can’t brush my hair, wash my hair and sometimes put my own clothes on. My sed rate is always extremely high and they don’t know why. Cortisone shots don’t help I have had 2. 


He said that he thinks that is it the start of Rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia. What do you think??


I went to another dr and he gave me prednisone, 20mg 3 pills for 4days, 2 pills for 4days and then 1 pill for days. He told me to tell the RA dr when I go back if it worked. Over night I have never felled so good. I can move everything and nothing hurts. The sweating and being nervous was bad the first two days and now has seems to not be so bad. I have been having blood when I blow my nose.



Sed rate 50 (0-20) 2nd time 55 (0-20)

RA neg 2 times

C-Reactive Protein 1.9 (<1.0)

Pravo  B19 IGG 6.73 (>1.10) B19 IGM .13 (<.90)

CBC all was good but polys 75(50-70) and the lymph 16 (20-40) and MPV 8.0 (9.2-12.8)

Ceratinine 0.6 (.7-1.2)

Liver test was good but the SGOT was 10 (15-46)

Cyclic citrullinated peptide <15.6 (<20 is neg)

FANA neg uric acid 4.5 (2.5-6.2)

Lupus test neg

I'm not a dr, so obviously I can't really say.  But it sure sounds like it could be RA.  Hope you can get some real answers soon.  When do you see your rheumatologist again?  I would say you shouldn't dawdle on making another appointment.  If it is RA, you want early treatment.I can't read blood test results, but it's entirely possible to have both RA and FM. I agree that you need to have the RA ruled in or out and have them do a tender point test for FM if that's where it seems headed.  sounds like it sure could be!  Sorry you're having so much discomfort..
I thought I had FM too... but the aches that felt like they were in muscles... were actually stemming from the joints themselves...
Your symptoms sure sound like mine at onset/flare
I hope you get a DX and get on some RX that will help.
I have also been told that it may be lupus, ms, or lyme disease. My next dr appt is july 19.
Usually if you have problems after giving birth it would be auto immune related. It is doubtful that Lyme disease would flare up after giving birth. Anything of course could happen. But Lyme would be less likely. For some reason auto immune disease tends to go into remission while a woman is pregnant. Then after giving birth a flare would come about. It is also possible to have to have RA and not have a positive RF result.
Sorry you are feelling so bad. I hope they get some answers for you soon.
I really hate the fact that auto immune disease does not always show up on test.
Let us know what the doctors say. Welcome to the forum.
Sounds like to me, you have RA. You can have it and not have a positive ra factor. Like Milly said, it is common to go into remission when pregnant and flare after giving birth. Another indication to me (not a dr just my thoughts) is you felt great while taking predisone which is used as a treatment for ra.
I hope you can get some straight answers at your next appt and please let us know. There are lots of peeps here that can relate and are caring individuals (including me
take care
If you're ruling out Lyme, please insist on the Igenex or MDLabs tests.  The regular tests (Elisa and Western Blot) are flawed, so sayeth the CDC.  If it is Lyme, it's curable!  You might have to pay for those tests out of pocket, but I think its well worth the cost.
have you had a full thyroid panel done (including tsh, free t3, free t4, and antibodies) hypothyroidism can mimic some of the symptoms of RA and fibromyalgia and it often appears post partumI do have hypothyroidism and started meds for it May 20th, it may not have had time to work yet. Also I thought that RA was on both sids of your body, mine is just on one. Yep, RA and some other conditions are symmetric. If it ever becomes that way, you might want to have them check you out again. it might be interesting to see how you feel once your thyroid levels are optimized..i have a feeling that many of your symptoms may be eliminatedIt sounds like the onset of RA. In my case it took them three years to find out what I have.