Antibiotics in the Food Supply | Arthritis Information


Anybody know anything about this.  As you can see, I'm all the way up to March (woohoo!!!).  If this isn't over, I sure as heck want to bother politicians over this.

Pip, I don't agree with giving livestock...that we eat...antibiotics. We have enough drug resistance as it is. Who knows how this is affecting all of us over the long term. I hope this bill passes.Pip, I noticed you are starting Diflucan. Is that for long term? Have you read up on side effects?

Actually i was curious Nystatin and Diflucan at the same time? Just that Diflucan is very strong and should remedy any thrush or yeast infections. It does have some side effects.

Lori -
Just until I get this yeast under control.  It just doesn't want to go and I've dragged my feet on doing the whole anti-candida diet.  I'm hoping to be able to this summer as then I'm not baking cupcakes all the time for my daughters' school.  Yes, I've seen the side effect profile and it's pretty scary.  But what scares me more is AP failing.  So, since I did this to myself when I skipped the probiotics for 6 months - I figure I need to take the risk to undo it.  On the plus side, many APer's with severe RA use it pretty regularly (couple days a week) and it seems to work well for them.  Its one of those things you have to work up slowly on or your liver will fail.  Since I like my liver, a lot, and finally weaned the protonix, I sure as heck want to be very careful with this.  My AP doc is NOT into diflucan so didn't give me many and constantly runs blood checks to make sure everything is working the way it should be.
Milly -
Not at the same time.  The plan is to hit it hard with the diflucan for a few weeks and then stop that and start the Nystatin.  Those of us with systemic yeast don't get better on just a diflucan or so.   It's harsh, but it doesn't nearly take it out the way they tell you it does.  I was taking it weekly and still got yeast before my mense.  It took months of diflucan weekly to get it down to just a day or two before mense.  Now I'm back to a week before mense so I need to start again.  Probably shouldn't have stopped but I wanted to give my body a rest.
Good on the protonix as it is not good for chronic yeast. There is another medication for candida and do you think I can think of the name? I tried to google it and was unsuccessful. It is a prescription med but I cannot think of it. I'll think about it today and hopefully it will come to me so I can google it later. Good luck Pip, Systemic candida must be horrible. Want to hear a scary story. I am allergic to Diflucan and Nystatin. Guess what happens when i get a yeast infection. And i do get thrush and the like. Well then i have to take meds that i am allergic to. You know sometimes breathing is over raited. When possible i just swish don't swollow. Now for systmic thats a nightmare if your talking about me. I pass out from lack of oxegyn on Diflucan. Now thats scary.I'm going to do a search and see where the bill stands.  It may be put on hold, passed or not.  I eat organic meat that's had no antibiotics.  The use of routine antibiotic feeding in beef and chickens started years ago.  Antibiotics in food has been a sore spot with me for a long time.  For me it's one of those "soap box" issues.  Sometimes I have to eat non organic and that's ok but for the times I routinely eat meat I want organic.  All of us have to put too many chemicles and meds in our bodies to keep going and I see no reason to add more to our overtaxed bodies.  Organic meat is expensive but I found because I eat much less meat that it's not any more expensive than if I were buying and eating non organic.  Ok, I'm off to search about the bill.  Lindy 