Arthritis Information -newbie


Hi Randy! Welcome to the board!

Most of us post in the Rheumatiod Arthritis forum, no one hardly looks here.

Or you can post on the new board

Welp, hope someone can help ya out


Recently diagnosed as having arthritis of the neck (C5 and C6) can anyone tell me what this means as far as a few years down the road will bring?  Doctor told me I have the beginning of osteopenia.  What is this new word?

Thanks guys,


I have found that most of my symptoms with responsive medicines and diet, with daily *rest (to allow my body to recoup from the overactive immune system) are effective in reducing pain and inflamation.

*Just as when you have the flu your body has its immune system working full speed to heal you need rest. 

advise con't:  exercise, exercise, and keep going.  NEVER GIVE UP! 

I have a question - given the fact that the immune system is one of the involuntary responses in the nervous system, and that information is sent from the body to the brain through the spinal cord-  I had a neck injury in 1974.  I am wondering if that may have triggered inappropriate behavior from my immune system....

has anyone else had a neck injury preceeding their RA onset?

- I have another question.  How do you handle teenager's that have more energy than you?  I have allowed my child to go with friends to big events that are in large crowds and involve a lot of walking, standing, etc.,  places like the fair and other amusement parks, sports events, etc.  It has created some distance between us that is added to natural independence struggles.  Any suggestions would be appreciated...

How do you hold a family together???

Sincerely & still persistent in living,




  Hi Randy,


Just wanted to say WELCOME ABOARD...Hope you find this site useful...We have a lot of nice people who use this site and we also have a sister site called   you may want to visit there...You may have already done that.

Hope you are having a good Autumn and not to many aches and pains...Hope to see you in the Rheumatoid Arthritis Side soon...



Hi Randy ~


 I just wanted to say Hi and to let you know I also have arthritis of the spine including the cervical spine. I have had 7 spine surgeries and 3 where of my cervical spine. I am fuesd from C3-7 and still have other levels through out my spine that are "bad"

 I just opened a new spine forum on Oct. 1 and if you want the link please let me know.

