OT: The little birdies | Arthritis Information


I had 4 little birdies on the bottom of my fireplace in my room. The babies got to big and made there nest fall down to the bottom of my fireplace. The first 2 nights they were going balistic with their crying. I mean the babies were so loud you could hear them out into the living room, with my bedroom door closed!

Hubby checked on them last night, because they were not crying as much. He said it looked like they were not going to make it.
So, today when hubby gets home, he is going to have to check on them again, to see if they flew the coop or "flew" to the pearly gates above.
I hope they did not die. But they have not been making as much crying/chirp for a day now.
Plus, it was probably too hot for them thru the day in the fireplace. and they could have died from heat stroke or dehydration.
I will let ya'll know if they made it or not.
We had a turtle make it's way into our yard and our cat was batting it around when my daughter came upon it. We have had lots of rain and the creek near us had flooded but went down. I have a garden pond my hubby and kids gave me for mother's day so son took turtle and put it on the rock next to the pond and it jumped in and was doing laps. LOL He's still there tonight and he is big. Like the size of your hand. I was going to get fish but don't know if the turtle would eat them. Nature can be so cool but chirping birds keeping you awake is not cool. LOL I hope they made it!Dosen't sound too good for the birdies Joonie. Oh they were not in there, when hubby checked. I guess they made it out of the chimney. I did hear one of the parent birdies fluttering around in the chimney last night. So... they lived! YAY!!
We always see turtles in the middle of the road after it rains. Hubby will stop the car and pick the turtle up and take it to his mom's LOL!!

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