GP Appointment | Arthritis Information


Well... it went fairly fast. only an hour time total!

I got to see the Nurse practioner today. I like her.
I did not do anything bad when I fell, just made parts sore. Ribs are much better today, too!
Got put back on Coreg CR 40mg. My pulse is still rapid even 4 hours after taking my day time dose of Coreg 12.5mg.
She told me to stay away from caffiene. WHich is pretty easy. I only get a coke-cola when at in-laws on weekends.
Told her of my "black bugs" and starfields and the pain in my head, that is not a headache, but a sharp pain like you get in a joint. Yep... she made me an appointment to get my eyes checked out. Says it sounds like optic nerve problems, but if not they will find out why. I asked if it could be from the stroke, she said yes, but she is more worried and wants to clear out the optic nerve involvment before looking for other reasons. Because you cannot replace, repair or transplant an optic nerve. So... I go to eye doctor the 25th.
I had already made an eye dr appointment when my high BP problems started, but had to cancel it because my BP and pulse were out of control, and they said to just make another appointment. So... now I get a new pair of glasses! YAY!!
I go back in 2 weeks for to get my BP & heart rate checked to make sure the 40mg of coreg CR is doing better than the regular coreg 2 times a day.
Then I go back 2 weeks after that for a follow up.
I forgot to mention to her about the reflux I am having since this whole BP & pulse mess started. It does not do it all the time, just certain things trigger it, like drinking water.
Oh and the 4 little birdies have flew the coope! They were not on the bottom of the fire place in my room. YAY!! Glad they lived.

Glad you are OK from the fall.

Not sure I understand the Coreg CR- you are having rapid pulse from a lesser dose and they put you on more? That doesn't seem right. Keep your eye on that.
Good luck at the eye doctor on Wednesday! Yikes it's always something!
Glad the birdies found their way back up and out of the chimney- what kind were they?
Good news joonie ~~ I love my eye doctor.  Joonie, I'm really happy that they're sending you to be checked out on the bugs and stars.  That was worrying me.  Everything else sounds pretty good.  LindyGood luck at the eye appt and glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly.
take care and tread carefully

Glad you are OK from the fall.

Not sure I understand the Coreg CR- you are having rapid pulse from a lesser dose and they put you on more? That doesn't seem right. Keep your eye on that.
Good luck at the eye doctor on Wednesday! Yikes it's always something!
Glad the birdies found their way back up and out of the chimney- what kind were they?
Yeah, the regular coreg keeps my blood pressure at normal level, but my pulse is still over 100 when at rest. When I was on 40mg of  coreg CR, both pulse & BP was under control. So... they put me back on 40mg of coreg CR.
It is because the regular croeg 12.5mg 2 times a day, did not keep my rapid pulse down between doses. Which the CR did. I had to keep up with my pulse & BP for 2 weeks when I was on coreg cr, and bp & pulse were good. Then they bumped me to 20mg of coreg CR, which it did not help keep my pulse under control. Then he bumped me do to 12.5mg 2 times a day. And I already knew that was not working, because I still had the "zombie stare", where I sit and stare & look like I am not listening to you or paying attention and look "crazy", that is what my hubby calls it. Then when my pulse goes down I feel better.
My pulse today, walking from the car to the pharmcy to get my coreg CR, was 128. My BP was 126/89. BUt I still felt like crap and my heart felt like it was pounding on my chest. I could feel my heart pumping away. That is why I stopped at the machine to see what my pulse was. And I got into the "zombie stare". I also get irritable, a snap at people, a little bit before I go into "zombie stare". I told my GP about yesterday, and that is why I am getting bumped back up to 40mg of coreg CR.
I think the birdies were chimney sweeps. They are little brownish/black birds. The moma or daddy bird came back last night and fluttered around in the chimney for a few then left. The birds are kinda like bats. The moma bird will sleep upside down with her claws dug into the wall of the chimney. It is cool looking. I think that is how they get out of the chimney. They walk up the chimney wall.
Well i am happy the birds have flown away. I wish you luck with the eye appointment. Best to get it checked out. Hope it is good news. And Groovy a new pair of glasses. Stay healthy sometimes good old fashion Mylanta can help with the heartburn and reflux at least till you remember to tell your doctor. Just ask the pharmasist to check it can be taken with your other meds. Yep, I guess my birthday present will be my new glasses! YAY!! At least I hope I get a new pair. Would be nice to get a new pair. I have had these for over 2 years now.
I think one of my meds says I cannot take things like tums. Humm... will ask pharmacist about it when I go to get my other meds refilled, next week.
