Girlie Cycle & RA (guys you can skip this one) | Arthritis Information


Just curious if your RA flares when you have your period/cramps?  I've been on and off the pill or other chemical contraception for a few months now and am now coming off of all of it and am having a terrible flare that seems to coincide with the cramps.  Is there a connection?  Nothing seems to touch the joint pain at the same time I'm cramping....

Anyone else or any insight?
Aunt Flo has never brought a flare with her that I can remember.  And if I dutifully take my fish oil capsules every day, Aunt Flo's visits aren't nearly as painful as they could be (and her visits are more predictable too). Hi, and yes when Aunt Flo comes to visit, Uncle Arthur decides to rear his ugly head. I am older and think I am going through the "change". My periods have been 3 weeks apart and last for 10 or 11 days and I have had lots of cramps.  Fun!
I feel for ya girl, I know how it feels, I can't wait to not have to go through this every month.
take care
I definitely have an increase in symptoms the week leading up to my cycle. I don't typically keep track of my period anymore since we have taken care of things permanently, but when I notice my ra symptoms acting up more than usual all I have to do is look at the calendar to figure out why. There has to be a hormonal link somehow. As for helping with the pain during that time, a good old-fashioned heating pad, or a hot bath gives me relief.