ooopsie..what a difference | Arthritis Information


yesterday I wanted to kill the kids, the day before was nearly as bad.. as was the day befofre that...

and my knees especially hurt so bad I needed help to crawl up the stairs..
I got my weekly medicine box and looked and realized I hadn't taken my prednisone for at least 3 days.. I was out and forget to refill it.. OMG.. I got it refilled last night and took 10 mg (my usual daily dose is 7.5 mg)
wow what a difference  My knees work, I LIKE the kids again.. I'm not ready to kill anyone. I slept well.
 I was wondering if it really made a difference.. well I'm here to tell you it does.
Bet the kids are happy too!!  Glad you're feeling better :)

My last medicine mistake was I forgot to put my birth control pills in my "daily" pill box. It was time to start the new pack and I completely forgot for 5 days! Wouldn't that have been fun to start all over again at age 47!!!!!!Hi Kathy.  I'm glad that's all straightened out and that you're feeling better.  speaking of starting over again..

ya'all know I'm 55 and the kids are 6 and 2 1/2... yesterday I tripped over the potty chair while I was applying wrinkle cream.. man THAT was a moment of cognitive dissonance..
God Bless ya Kathy! [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]My last medicine mistake was I forgot to put my birth control pills in my "daily" pill box. It was time to start the new pack and I completely forgot for 5 days! Wouldn't that have been fun to start all over again at age 47!!!!!![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]speaking of starting over again.. I was taking heat! I started early- my first at 24. Living through the teen years has me worn out with worry and I have good kids... I am fully ready to nudge the two oldest out of the nest and I'll probably react to the youngest leaving the same way I did when the school bus took him away to kindergarten- I jumped up and clicked my heels!
Not that I don't love them all to pieces- I'm just tired of always having to tell myself no so I can give them what they need. Not monetarily-(ok maybe a little bit) but more my time and emotions. I need a life of my own!
Well... I have spent the last 2 days listening to my kids bicker, tattle tell, cry, hit & punch, throwing toys at each others heads, and then to top it all off... they do not even listen to a word I say! Hubby just so happened to take my threat aka "gitRdone" to work with him to keep his pants on. So, I had to make a lot of empty threats & promises, which of course they knew I could not follow thru with them.
So... I have spent my last 2 days... hiding in my room. And when one would come in, I would tell them I was busy and they needed to take care of it themself.
Yeah... today when I told that to daughter, she got cracked up side the head with a toy hand saw. Then she drug all son's toys from the living room and threw them in his room. He ran after her crying, and then she tried to lock him in his room by holding the door. I told her to let him out. Then son drug his toys back out to the living room, and daughter came into my room telling me "I can't take it anymore!!" I said well... I am busy take care of it. hehehehe!!
Well, about 20 mins of him and her screaming & crying & hitting each other, they grew bored and quite and watched TV. I think for now on I am going to just let them fight it out. Because it really done me some good not having to make empty threats and me yelling at them like a banshee.
I still have until middle of august to put up with them fighting. UGH!
And when the coreg is not doing its job I get irritable and snappy, and then I kinda join in on the fighting, yelling and crying with them, until decide to go lay down.
You are right Joonie- let them battle it out on their own.  It took me awhile to learn that when my kids were growing up too but when I finally wised up...I got really good at ignoring the ruckus.