My Foot Surgery | Arthritis Information


went very well (left foot-metatarsal resection #2-#5).  The bummer is have to stay off foot for two weeks. 

Since no one had experience on this one, I thought I would post.  Midgi if you are out there in internet land I recommend both at once which I didn't do....The reason is other foot just as bad and you already have to stay off foot:)
Will post later when my mind is not so fuzzy
:) L
Had surgery FRI
I'm glad that's over and that it went well.  Heal quickly and completely, please.  Here's to a speedy recovery.Hi all,
Escaped from prison to peek on computer (my bed)
Thamks for the well wishes

Glad it all went well...hope you heal quickly!

Oh, that is good news L

I can't imagine what it must be like to be off the feet for two whole weeks!!!  My shoulder and hip pain gets so much worse when I'm not active.  How are you keeping yourself entertained?   I guess if it comes to the crunch and I do have surgery, I could make the most of it to learn something I've always yearned for - to learn to draw.  I've had the 'how to' books and the paper & pencils tucked away waiting for many years ;-)

I'm still awaiting an appointment with the surgeon and in the meantime have been referred to Orthotics for more metatarsal pads.  These haven't helped in the past but I'm told that they use a new type which are a lot softer.   They'd need to be - the old type made the pain worse!! 

Thanks for the tip about having both feet done at the same time.   Look after yourself and don't be tempted to use the new foot sooner than you shouldThe confinment is the worst part, it makes you appreciate being the way you were.

I thought I would be able to move around on my heel and with that option removed it makes sense to do both at same time.  Just get plenty of depends LOL
Get plenty of movies, it is hard to read when you are on pain medication.
All in all not that bad when you resign yourself to bed.
BIG TIP Don't watch youtube foot surgeries befoe hand especially the one where they remove the pins.  Another blessing is he did not have to do the pins which is the most painful part.
Good Luck with your appt.
Stem - glad it went well for you, and having them both at once is something I will tuck aside, as I know I might need it in the future.  Take care.  Hope you heal quickly - do you have someone to help you these first few weeks?    My SIL just had surgery on both feet (not-RA related) and while it's a pain, she figured get it over with and only have one recovery than two.   Not sure, but I think her husband tossed the little bell pretty quickly - she has a good-sized vocal cords though.Thanks JSNM
CathyMN the little bell is funny.  I use my cell phone to call the house phone HeHe...,
I am in inventor mode and creating all those bedside aids so I dont wear out the helpers.
I am wondering does anyone know if you can get wireless for laptop for one month at a Time? 
  Keep us posted - hope all progresses well for you!
lorrie2008-11-23 23:15:27DAY #8
Feels like day 21
Uneventful, foot is healing quite nicely.  The first week when you hang foot off bed you feel the blood rush to foot with a great burning sensation. This has started to lessen which means the incision must be healing up.
We bought a walker with wheels and seat so I could sit on walker and use the other foot to steer me around.  Once I get cast off next Friday, I'm assuming I will have walking boot
I have been watching alot of movies.  I thought the BUCKET LIST was good. I asked my husband what was on his bucket list and after I saw it told him we can do those things so why bother waiting till the end.
So my question of the day is :
What would be on your list of things to do before you die?
Ours is to travel east and west coast by car.  I think seeing the countryside would be memoriable for our daughter.  So within 5 yrs that's our plan.
Also does anyone know of wireless rental for short term period
Hi LuAnn, I'm so happy that your foot is doing so well.  It's going to be a long recup. time for you but will be well worth it. 
I've been working on my bucket list for the last 3 years and to be honest I've done just about everything on the list.  My list wasn't very grand except to be able to live in Mexico for part of the year.  I've accomplished that and I have 3 items left.  I want to visit Palenque, Mex. and spend a week in the ruins and to visit a small, Mexican town in the mountains that is the birthplace of Mexican witchcraft.  I've signed up for an 8 week watercolor class starting in July and that was the 3rd item on my list.  I may have to add to it this year.   Hope you continue to recover and enjoy the down time.  Lindy 
LinB2008-06-29 11:53:51

Thanks for the update LuAnn - pleased to hear all is well

I take it that a Bucket List a list of 'things you plan/hope to do in the future' yes?   
A good idea!  
Keep the healing going. It sounds like you are doing splendidly! Doing both at the same time does make a lot of sense, so I will have to remember that one.
I think my bucket list will contain a lot of surgeries I am putting off. Problem is, the list keeps growing
happy healing sweetie
deb, that's my bucket list... surgery to correct bone deformities, feet than hands and then off to making some nice trips.
Lin, I love visiting ruins.  Spent most my life before RA travrlling through Mexico.  I love the feel of Tulum but didn't like Chickenpizza too much...LOL not correct spelling but sounds like)
The new Indiana Jones movie is loosely based on crystal skulls being found in South American, very interesting stories...
I was able to see alot 25 years ago when most of this was being unearthed.
To Great Travels

Good Morning LuAnn, I too loved Tulum and some other areas through that area of the coast.  I found chickenpizza to be very interesting but it may have been the drizzly, misty rain that kept everyone else at home.  We practically had the ruins to ourselves.  We stayed in the little town of Pista and met some of the Mayans and ended up sharing dinner with them.  Yes, they still exist and they still perform some of the ceremonies of the old Mayan culture.  Also, went to some of the cenotes (sp?) in the area.  One of them had a magical pool that you could swim in.  The area that we live in Mexico has no ruins.  We're on the west coast about 40 miles north of Puerta Vallerta.  I have the crystal skulls on my list (not my bucket list) of things to research and take a look at.  Haven't seen the movie but I'm looking forward to it.  Where else did you travel in Mexico and what are some of your favorite places?  Lindy

Cancun was always my base or point of travel.  all up and down the coast line there are numerous ruins.  They were unearthing many which I was able to see as we were with local people. There were secret caves you could enter when the tide was low.  Some of those cenotes are creepy and unless you have the proper equipment, no thanks.
The bestway to explore in my opinion is with the local people, you see so much more.
You can read the story of the Crystal skulls on the internet.  It is interesting, but some are fake.  I just love ARCHEOLOGY :)
Ps Beware those magical pools.  In Maui, everyone flocks to the seven sacred pools which the locals there say they would never swim in because feral pigs poop washes into them and alot of people get rashes..EWwwwwwOn my bucket list is to STOP BEING SHY and improve my social skills.  I have made a lot of strides in the past 2 years (read a great book that has helped).  Also to dye my hair blonde or strawberry blond, at least for a while.  I already have a lot of gray so that one will be coming up soon!  And I'd like to rescue a lot more greyhounds!  Working on DH to get a second now (we had two but one passed away last year).  Also, to go to Italy (husband's grandfather is Italian but we have never been there).  I will have to think on this more...
I hope your recovery continues to go as well as possible!!!!!

I'm glad you are steadily improving LuAnn.  And it is very helpful for you to post updates like you are, for others facing similar surgeries. 

My bucket list (the short version):

Go skydiving

Visit all 50 states

Fix up and remodel my house

Spend time traveling to do genealogy work I can't do on-line, searching court houses, cemeteries, newspapers on microfilm.  Use land records to track down exact locations of my ancestors homes and stand on their land.

Nothing too fancy, but all would be great accomplishments to me!
- Run for office (state senator, maybe)
- Win the lottery (so I can open my own high school)
- Travel to Mexico (after I am competent in Spanish, of course)

LuAnn, great way for the Hawaiians to keep the Howlies out of the cenotes!   I didn't swim in the cenotes for various reasons, the main reason being I would have felt like an intruder into the Mayan world if I had gone into the water.  

I love reading other's bucket lists.  Hillhoney, I did some research on my ancestors and went to each of their farms in West Virginia and Virginia.  It sure gave me a strong sense of where I came from and what I'm made of.  I didn't dig back further than the late 19th century but it was enough.  Good luck.  Lindy

Day #13
2 week follow-up
Everything went great.  I can now wear air cast and do light heel walking. Something else happened that made an improvement.  My shoulders are frozen and I have been forced to use, tearing and ripping contactures, I guess.  But now I have better Range of Motion in shoulders.  I need to be gentle in my walking this week and can start wiggling and massaging my toes
I have graphic pictures but I don't know how to post here so I will be updating my website with pictures.
site name  -  LuAnn
I am so relieved to be able to get around again.  The picture of foot after stiches removed.................Ewwwwwww
Looks like such a tender place to have stitches!!  Keep up the good recovery
Week #3 update
Everything getting better slowly but surely...I have come to my senses and have decided to do other foot at a later date so I can give my body a chance to recover from this one.
I ache all over as I have had to use body parts that I am not used to using
I kinda wished I did both at once but you never know what the circumstances will bring :)
