Feeling down about missing out... | Arthritis Information


Does this happen to anyone else? i missed prom, and graduation and boyfriends because of being sick. and seeing pictures of everyone else doing these things sometimes really gets me down. Ive been pretty much bed-ridden the past 4 weeks cause of a flare and have nothing much to do but think. Just looking for someone who understands...Hey, i know exactly how you feel, i'm 14, and i found out i had Rheumatoid Arthritus about 2 months ago, i was a national champion cheerleader and played alot of netball, both i've had to give up because it's just too painful to do. My friends still all play netball etc so i'm feeling pretty left out, can't really join in when all the girls go shopping etc. Haven't gone to school today because it's just too painful and i'm getting sick of sitting in class whilst all i can do is think about everything that upsets me. Trying hard to stay positive, my friends don't understand at all. :(
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