Lorster | Arthritis Information



I was not surprised to see that you had posted this:
"Lev, I have decided that that all you want to do is fight with someone. So, why don't you and I just agree not to converse with one another. Please do not respond to my posts. And I will not respond to yours. It does not matter what people say, it is never good enough for you. You are a mean spirited, angry, sad man. I feel sorry for you. "
It's not fighting Lorster, it's called debating. Just because you don't want to answer a specific question because it will make you look bad in the debate is no reason to attack me. I'm not mad, angry or sad.  You joined in my debate. You liked the debate until I asked you a specific question and then you all of a sudden get the dreaded ostritch disease. Just because I am smart enough and have the intelligence and knowledge to trip you up on your own words is no reason to attack me. Just say you don't want to answer the question. I knew you wouldn't answer the question because you would look bad either way and your argument of debate would be over. You continued to dance around the answer to the question hoping to escape from answering the question. I'm not mean spirited. I just know what I'm talking about, I'm not talking smack that will become my downfall in the future of the debate. If that were to happen, I would accept it, not start name calling. If you are going to make a statement, make it a well thought out truthful statement that you can and are willing to defend, not something that you can't defend. Just some free advise from a very wise old man. One more thing, don't try and tell me what to do.
I coulda sworn I signed up for an arthritis message board not a revisit to Jr. High.Kindergarten


You're trying to talk sense to a hysterical woman who would vote forObama.

Try teaching a pig to sing. It would be easier.

                                                                I know, just couldn't help it! Lev...I have been at this forum  for ' 5 minutes' and I am dismayed that once again on a board I join, I see these kind of stir ups.   And not for the first time instigated by ye I notice.
If you are so  ' intelligent' ' smart' and have ' knowledge', then please spell correctly. Ostrich. OK?
And yes peeps, Im feeding the trolls. 
edited to add the whipper!!
LyndeeNZ2008-06-27 01:46:57Listen,
You women don't like me and I wear that like a badge of honor. If people like you don't like me I must be right. I didn't attack Lorster. She had posted concerning racial bias and I ask her a question about her thoughts on racial bias. She realized that if she answered the question, she was going to look bad. I didn't set a trap for her or dig a pit and put a peice of cheese in the pit, I just asked her a question relevant and she all of a sudden catches the dreaded Ostritch disease. She attacked me. I sked her if she would vote for a white man that was a member of a pro white church. I sked her if she would vote for a white democrat if he belonged to a pro white church. I asked her if she would vote for an african american if he belonged to a pro african american church. What's so big deal about it. Why are yous so ignorant? Why attack me for wanting an answer even if it's I don't want to answer those questions. Oh I know, you don't like me and so it biases your responses. That's cool, teach those traites to your children and grandchildren and of course teach them to always use spellcheck, it's much more important to be spellingly correct than just honestly correct.
[QUOTE=wendyr]I coulda sworn I signed up for an arthritis message board not a revisit to Jr. High.[/QUOTE]
I am new here and I'm here for the purpose of discussing RA learning about RA and living with RA, and maybe in the end helping someone else with answers to questions they might have about RA.
How did politics get a hold in this forum?
I belong to other forums (other topics not dealing with RA) and have found that the minute Politics or Religion come into play people get hurt.
This is a forum about RA so please lets keep it that way.
I don't know either of you and maybe I should not even respond to this thread but I just know from past experiences that there not good topics in most forums.
Slohand -
Please, just hang on.  This is an unmoderated board.  These guys go away pretty soon and only post to stir trouble. 
pip I replied to you via PM ! Slo_hand2,
I am not going anywhere. I'll still be here long after you are long gone. I've been here longer than Pip. I don't pass out hugs and kisses but I try to keep it honest and look out for dishonesty.
Politics has been on this board for as long as I can remember and my memory is still fairly good for my old age. Probably it's best to either not be thin skinned when posting political or just stay away from those threads. We seem to always have newbies that are peace angels and even they have the right to just fly in and spread their visions of peace. How are the wings, tired?
Again not here for politics or religion but for information on RA and only RA (at this point) and don't see how politics plays into the subject of RA?
I didn't ask you to go anywhere lev, and I uphold your right to the first Amendment right to free speech.
and do not intend to get into any heated debate, so thank you for reading my post, and carry on!
I am not going anywhere. I'll still be here long after you are long gone. I've been here longer than Pip. [/QUOTE]
Only by what? 2 weeks? 15 days? 
Are we going to go into "I have had RA longer than you"?
I am not going anywhere. I'll still be here long after you are long gone. I've been here longer than Pip. I don't pass out hugs and kisses but I try to keep it honest and look out for dishonesty.
Politics has been on this board for as long as I can remember and my memory is still fairly good for my old age. Probably it's best to either not be thin skinned when posting political or just stay away from those threads. We seem to always have newbies that are peace angels and even they have the right to just fly in and spread their visions of peace. How are the wings, tired?
LOL You made me laugh pretty good Lev...." Peace Angels "  " How are the wings " Funny stuff

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