Charlie Brown | Arthritis Information


I noticed a post yesterday by Charlie Brown.  He is one of my favorite cartoon characters.  Are you like him?

WTF? Hi Jan,
Schultz?  Was that the guy who created Charlie Brown?  He lived in my sister's home town.  He built an ice skating rink for the community, and was well regarded.  In tribute to Mr. Schultz and Charlie, a project called "It's your town, Charlie Brown" sponsored the making of 55 life-size Charlie Brown's in different attire and placed them throughout the city.  Its a fun surprise when you spot one.
I think she was referring to someone who posts under the screen name of Charlie Brown. I think?????Yes, you're right, Jan was referring to someone here w/the name Charlie Brown.  She mentioned she liked the cartoon character Charlie Brown and I just thought she'd appreciate knowing there's a town with 55 - 5 foot Charlie Browns situated throughout the city, there's also a 5 foot tall Snoopy by my sisters dentist office.  Its the town where the Peanuts creator lived, I think they even have a museum.  Joie-
Wow!  Sounds like a great town.  Yes, I think it was Schultz who created Charlie Brown, delightful creature.
I was curious how the person who posts as Charlie Brown chose the name.  Must be another fan.
Thanks for telling about your sister's town.
I like good Ol' Charile Brown too!  The Christmas movie is my favorite. My kids think I'm nuts. He's got such a good heart.wanttibe-
You're not nuts.  Just a great warm-hearted person!!!!!

aww shucks Jan- thank you!


First off, I'm not a guy....I'm a sixty something woman. Chose that name for the message board because that was the nickname my first husband gave me over 40 years ago. Yes, I'd say I'm quite a bit like the cartoon character and that's why he started calling me that.Seriously.  WTF Jan and Joie...
I live 5 miles from Santa Rosa, CA, my little girls took ice-skating lessons there where I often bought birthday presents at the big Snoopy gift shop. There is indeed a whole museum devoted to Shultz and his funnny cartoon over all the years. And yes, all over the town there are 5ft colorful statues of Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the gang in a variety of themed outfits... at the airport Snoopy is dressed for air battle with the Red Baron. Kind of a fun thing for a city to do.
CathyMarie2009-05-21 12:12:43Sounds nice up there!!!!