metho on backorder | Arthritis Information


I have been on metho shots for 2 months and have had the pharmacy tell me it's on backorder from the manufacturer.  i live in jersey.  is any one else having this problem?  My nodules actually got smaller, and now i can't get it.
i've had ra for 6 years this month.  on enbrel 2x a week cause those new ones burn like a sucker
thanks and i wish you all a pain free day eye

ps i've been on this sight for years,,,, it is the best place to find any answers you need.
I was thinking of suggesting a doc finder, would that be something of interest to anyone who reads this?  if i get enough yes answers i will suggest it.
night all
EYELENE38444.9766435185When I went to my RD last month I was put back on Metho and I asked for the shots (less nausea) but was told there is a problem with the manufactor. Can you try the pill form?


 I recieve my shots (once a week) from the doctor now because there is non available through the pharmacy.  The MTX that you get from the pharmacy has preservative and my doctor has told me that the manufacturer isn't producing it.  They are making the MTX without preservative avialable to him as a doctor and they use it for those patients that want to come into the office for their shot.  I have because the oral just doesn't work as well for me.  So ask your doctor if it is available to him in the form without the preservative.


I was on metho shots for 18 months til Sept2004 when they became unavailable here. Went on pills til January when my liver got bad. Off everything while liver healed. Doctor gave me name of Pharmacy in Florida, where his clinic orders from. They Fedex right to my home, 4 weeks of shots at a time. They've been great.   Still in a lot of pain from starting all over again. But look forward to better days.grandmaU38452.7056134259

I agree with KRistin Have you tried the pills they are available and there is no problem with getting them  meme
