Joonie- too much party? | Arthritis Information


Hey Joonie-

Where are you hiding out?
Hope you were too busy having party time and not suffering with those knees you posted the other day.....
let us know!
She probably has a chocolate hangover Hahaha!!! Nope... no chocolate hangover. No cake hangover, either.
It was just an uneventful b-day. I got no cake. Hubby stayed home from work. I was sleeping because of the pain pills I had to take to get rid of the pain I was in.
I did get from my mommy. I spent of it on a book for my daughter, more for lunch at McD's, and more on myself. The stupid bank would not let me have but of my check. They made me deposit of it!
So, I guess my b-day present from hubby was that he stayed home from work and let me sleep most of the day away.
So, that is what I have been doing trying to deal with this pain in my right hip area again! It is much more intense this time around.
