Newbie with question | Arthritis Information


Hello All,
I am a newbie to this board and to this awful thing called RA. After about a year of pain and total misery I have finally been Dx. It was actually a relief to know that my pain had a name and I wasn't imagining it, even though it is RA. As most of you can imagine I have so many questions. I have been searching the internet and asked a ton when I  met my new friend the Rhuemetologist. However, I was scheduled for a visit to the Opthamologist because there is a medicine (plaquenel sp.) she wants me to start on.  My question is this, (I totally spaced out when I was at I was at RD's office. I think I was in shock about the whole thing) what specifically is the Othamologist looking for or is this just a baseline of sorts like the x-rays I took last week. I guess I am wondering what this medicine she wants to start me on has to do with my eyes? This has all happened so fast it is hard to think at times. Btw I  am already taking meds for BP and Diabetes type 2 and have started on 2 meds for RA.  Sorry for the long post everyone. Thanks in advance for any advice you can send my way.
The eye exam is baseline.  Plaquenil can (VERY RARELY) cause retinal damage, so you need to have an eye exam within 6 months of starting the drug. mom2three, welcome to the forum and so sorry you had to join our "club".  You may already know this, but prednisone and diclofenac treat symptoms, but not the cause of the disease.  The Plaquenil is to stop the disease process, so that is important.

There can be a lot for us to keep up with in general, and especially when we're with the doctor, and especially when we're first dx'd!  To prepare for my RD appointments, I always make a list of things to tell him and things to ask him about.  Having the paper in front of me also gives me a place to take notes.  Also, it doesn't hurt if you can take someone along with you...spouse, sibling, help remember all these things.
BTW, in case your RD didn't mention, prednisone can increase blood pressure and blood sugar, so if you already have hypertension and diabetes, be especially careful to monitor your levels.  10 mg is a relatively low dose though so hopefully that won't be an issue.
Thanks Jasmine. I was so worried the RA dx and with all that's happened in the past couple of months sinced being dxed. There are other things that bother me but I won't trouble everyone all at once. Thanks again for putting some of my fears to  rest.

[QUOTE=mom2threeinaz]Thanks Jasmine. I was so worried the RA dx and with all that's happened in the past couple of months sinced being dxed. There are other things that bother me but I won't trouble everyone all at once. Thanks again for putting some of my fears to  rest.


Ask away.  No trouble.Welcome mom2three  -  it's a learning experience and just when you have it figured out, it changes.   Keep reading/researching and ask questions.   You may not always find the answers you want or need to hear, but better to be informed.    You'll find that patience will come in handy as well since most of the meds take awhile to kick in.
I love your signature quote...
Wow!! Thanks all for the answers and advice. Yes, I'm sure this is one club I didn't want to join but it is great to know we can find help and support in each other. 
Blessings to all.
[QUOTE=mom2threeinaz]Wow!! Thanks all for the answers and advice. Yes, I'm sure this is one club I didn't want to join but it is great to know we can find help and support in each other. 
Blessings to all.

Oh, there are lots worse clubs to join out there.Welcome.  Please don't be shy about asking as many questions as you want, whenever you want.  You'll find this board extremely helpful, supportive and informative. 
Hi Cammie and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you found it. Don't be shy ask any questions you have. You gets lots of advice and caring people here to listen and answer.
take care
