Over the age of 60 | Arthritis Information


I'm curious.  How many forum members are over the age of 60 and are you on DMARDS and BIOLOGICS?  How is your body reacting to the medications?  Have you had other medication related health issues? How do you feel the day after you take your meds?  Lindy, age 63Lindy, I am over 63 and the only problem I have is a little nausea and fatigue the day after I take MTX.  But, I always take my other meds after a meal, otherwise I feel crappy.  I really do not think that age matters.

GG, thanks for replying.  Are you on biologics along with MXT?LinB

been on Mtx, for 13 years, since first diagnose, and on a biologic since 2000, and also a NSAID for 13 years...must have a iron stomach

no real probs from RA meds, ever, just once a fatty liver elevated, and am on cholestrol med now, so that took care of fatty liver.

does age 59 1/2 count?....LOL

only side affects are gone now, when i got off long term, high dose prednisone, before biologics came out......my bone density has improved, don't need Fosamax

RA is controlled with meds now, have reduced the Mtx to 10mg week

Everyone has to try differant meds, we all have differant reactions

Thanks, Aimee.  Sounds as if you're doing well with little or no side effects.  LindyYour welcome LinB

recently added Prilosec, do have teeny more stomach bathroom trips day after mtx, thats all,

had knees replaced, but the important thing is,but hips are good, fingers and toes have no swaying, and when humidity drops, fingers look wrinkly..

The RD always examines hands first, and hasn't seen any inflammation. Sometimes i can go every 3 weeks with Humira...Take care/painfree one I'll be 65 in August.  Been taking drugs for RA since diagnosis at age 25.  In general have responded to most meds through the years, but they do stop working after a period of time and have to move on to another drug. 

Currently on Orencia (fourth infusion on Tuesday) and 7.5 mg MTX.  I THINK I am starting to respond to the Orencia....I hesitate to say as I know we all have good and not-so-good days.   Only more time will tell, how it is really working. 
About the last two years I was on Enbrel, my skin became more sensitive, had more brusing and a simple cut took longer to heal.  The strange thing was that during that time I had a couple of minor hand surgeries and a foot surgery, all of which healed very quickly with no complications.  All-in all, the effectiveness of Enbrel was worth the skin sensitivity until it no did the job.  On the other hand, I dislike taking MTX and hope to discontinue before too long.  It makes me feel tired and drug out and just zaps my energy in general.  Felt a little stomach upset the first week or two after starting it, but that pretty much went away. 
Not sure how much the "age factor" has to do with RA, other than I seem to blame any and all things on my RA, when a lot of it might just be my age.  My friends are all starting to have one thing or another bothering them too and they don't have RA.
Lindy, I do not take biologics.  I take plaquinal, naproxan, folic acid, mtx. 1.1 cc weekly, vit. D,
predisone 5 mg. and my B/P meds.  My rheumy has mentioned biologics, but I have refused because of the cost and frankly I am feeling okay without them.  I have no damage that I know of. 

GG2008-06-29 15:59:52hi Lindy:  I'm 66.  got RA at age 40.  Been on the hard stuff....lol.  very high prednisone and cytoxin.  I'm now on Imuran, salsalate and forteo.   I have a lot of health problem cause from meds.  But I couldn't get along without them. (and other meds for other stuff  12 all together)  I feel fatigue all the time, I have to make myself get up and move.  just never seen to feel good,  all over ache and noise in my ears all the time.  I won't give up, when my legs give out I just find a place and set for a while.  life is good and I try to do all I can.   Have a great day

Thanks Rusty and Sharo for sharing.  The reason I posted was to get an idea of how people over 60 years of age are responding and reacting to DMARDS and BIOS.  Most of the forum members are younger.  There's not a lot of info on the internet or in print that is addressing the older population with RA and the use DMARDS and BIOS.  This is the reason I started this thread. 

We all seem to be doing fine with the meds.  I have some real issues with fatigue the day after but other than that I've been fine.  Went through 3 surgeries (including knee replacement) last year with no problems.  Lindy

I am 65 and starting Plaquenil along with Celebrex for what we are calling mild RA --since I dont swell much or often, but have the stiffness, achiness and fatigue mostly.  I have been dx with Sjogrens recently, eat a gluten and dairy free diet, take BP + Cholesterol meds, and am high risk for thyroid cancer (waiting results on a recent T-scan).  Have been taking Celebrex for over a yr (2 x day) and so far no problems.  I have to cut the Plaquenil in half as only the 400mg size is available in Panama -- boy, is that bitter even though I do everything to try and not taste it!  

Thanks LCarter, I guess one can be diagnosed at any age.  Hope your TScan is normal.  Take care.  Lindy

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