OT pix for the animal lover | Arthritis Information


Meet Twiggy, the lastest addition to my farm.   She's a three week old feral goat - cute aye!

The collar is only on when I'm walking/training her.   When not with me she lives in a wee paddock with another goat, cows, calves and chooks.  They all share a big loafing shed with deep straw beds. 
she is so cute! I would love to live there among all the animals. It's so green and lush! What is a "chook" I have never heard that term before.
a chook is a chicken deb.
she is a gorgeous little goat!
I love goats!  She is adorable, and I'm sure so very mischievous.  We have owned 6 different goats over the years - there was Leroy and Lucy, and Mako, and then came Cookie, Skittles and Buddy.  They each had their own distictive personality and were so much fun.  They loved sneak into the house - they could figure out how to open the sliding glass door.  They would go straight for the pantry to steal crackers and cookies!  And in the hot summer time,  the very best goat treat was popsicles!  LOL   
Enjoy your little girl with her sticky molasses chin!
ADORABLE!!!!CUTE!  I want a goat but I don't think they'd travel well in our RV.....oh well, maybe if I ever settle down.  LindyShe is cute!!!
Regarding New Zealand,  I listen to classical music station KUSC and they had a program from Radio New Zealand about deceased NZ composer Douglas Lilburn.  They interviewed his family and friends, he grew up on a farm, and gave an intereting glimpse of New Zealand life.   I really enjoyed it.
twiggy is a cutie . . . are you going to use her as a Lawn mower.. LOL
Since you are on a farm is the goat milk good
Apologies for not getting back to this thread earlier!  Thanks for all your nice comments on wee Twiggy 
Don't tell my hubby, but when she's about two I will breed her with a small dairy breed buck and eventually see how she goes milking.   I've only ever tasted goat milk once and that was many years ago but there are a lot of folk that say goat milk is better for some cheese than cows milk.   I told hubby I would raise and halter train her, then sell her on

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